A Selection of Pictures By Carol Grose.

The view that Michael Wilcox had of Chris Palmer after the 2nd lap of the 125 Ultralightweight.

Here is Michael Wilcox in pursuit of Chris Palmer.

Here's "Milky" during last weeks practice. Get well soon.

Jason Griffiths at the approach to Sulby Bridge.

Jim Moodie on the Triumph, at the inside of Sulby Bridge.

Dave Madsen-Mygdal - Approach to Sulby Bridge.

Jim Hodson on the approach to Sulby Bridge

Tom "spook" Clucas on the inside approach to Sulby Bridge

Kevin "Ago" Murphy - approach to Sulby Bridge

Ryan Farquhar at Sulby Bridge

Ian Lougher at Sulby Bridge

Photographs courtesy of Carol Grose

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