Southern 100 Road Races 2001 - Recent Press Statement
The Organising Committee and Directors of Southern
'100' Racing were
and still are unanimous in their decision to call off
the 2001 'Steam
Packet' Southern 100 Road Races which had been
rescheduled from its
traditional dates in July to 14th-16th September.
The full facts of the decision were given in the
Official Announcement
made on 11th July, which was circulated to all
interested parties and
the Media.
The Club has over the years built up a relationship
with the farmers,
landowners and residents surrounding the Billown
Course and in the light
of the continuing foot & mouth crisis which is far
from being brought
under control in the UK, the Club did not wish to
jeopardise this
relationship and wish to receive these persons
continued support for future
years - which is essential in ensuring the continuance
of the Southern
'100' as it approaches its 50th anniversary and
The decision to cancel the 2001 event was brought
forward, primarily in
the interests of the competitors - to enable them to
revise their
racing calendars and apply for entries at other
meetings - something they
would be unable to do whilst the Southern '100' was
'still on'. A number
of competitors have e-mailed us to say that they were
disappointed but
understood our predicament and appreciated the club
making an
announcement earlier rather than later.
The Billown Course is only 4.25 miles to the lap, and
may appear on
paper at least to be relatively easy to 'police'- in
reality it is
different matter - footpaths, railway line and fields
that could be encroached
The writer mentions the Skerries Road Races in the
Republic of Ireland
having been held recently. Crowd control was
impossible around 'their 4
mile course' and the repercussions are awaited from
the damage to
barley crops surrounding the course.
Also mentioned is the Ulster Grand Prix due to be held
in the middle of
All the adjacent area around Dundrod is declared a
race area, where to
enter requires the payment of £12:00 per person [2000
The fields
are requisitioned for car parks, the
farmers/landowners charging a fee
and retaining same - a very different situation to the
Isle of Man.
The Southern '100' Club are disappointed that the 2001
Races are not
going ahead, but feel that to ensure the future
running of the hugely
popular event it is a small price to pay. The
situation is echoed by the
majority of competitors who look forward to competing
on the Billown
Course and enjoy the friendly atmosphere that the
meeting has built a
reputation for over the forty plus years that the
races have been
All involved with the events on the Billown Course,
are looking forward
to a full season of races in 2002 and will endeavour
to ensure their
continued success and popularity.
LINK: www.southern100.com
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