Just a piece of advice for you when replying to Accommodation/Travel posts.
Use the PM system to respond directly to anyone advertising accommodation rentals as that is what that function is for.
Treat the Accommodation section as if it was a Newspaper Classifieds, where you are responding to a persons advert. If there is no phone number or email address mentioned in the advert, then you use the In-System PM and Email facilities on the Forum.
You can send a Private Message (PM) direct to the person concerned informing them of your requirement etc... or you can send an in-house email direct to the persons own personal email address and either way, a notification bar appears at the top of their page whenever they next log in, to inform the that they have a message waiting.
That way any communication that you get into is maintained in privacy.
Plus, it will keep your contact details (phone, email etc) private, if you were going to put those on public display in your post