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Watching on the mountain - Printable Version

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RE: Watching on the mountain - wsn03 - 10-06-2015

(10-06-2015, 02:30 PM)runningbear Wrote:
(10-06-2015, 02:06 PM)wsn03 Wrote:
(10-06-2015, 11:10 AM)runningbear Wrote: i hope to move to island one day ,not just for bikes or racing just cos its paradise .

It's lovely, but it comes with some limitations - I lived there from 2 to about 22 years old.....go back for the racing every year, but I'm always glad to come back to England.
Met a guy from the TT forum once who talked about his son who was living on the Island, perfect life, garage full of bikes, trail riding etc etc etc..... I started to wonder about my own decision to leave all those years ago until he casually mentioned his son "does suffer depression though since moving there"! As my Mother living their says...."winters are a death".
i got small horizons so winter wont bother lot of family there too ,might ave to live the garden shed though. and yep lottery tkt would help a lot.

Sounds like it might work out for you then :-)..... .hope you pick the winning ticket!

RE: Watching on the mountain - runningbear - 10-06-2015

wsn o3 think we chatted at peel forum meet 2014 .im hoping a plan comes together ,might have to cash that pension in.

RE: Watching on the mountain - wsn03 - 10-06-2015

I was at the 2013 meeting, couldn't make the 2014 one. Was it 2013? Don't believe the papers, the housing market is hanging by a thread, should be an affordable place to retire to eventually!

RE: Watching on the mountain - Stan Ogden - 10-06-2015

Ive watched at the mountain mile before but it gets a bit chilly as the day goes on. I'd suggest bringing a flask of hot tea , a heavy coat and perhaps a winter hat. My wife (who's just had an operation) tends to feel the cold up there in the last few years so we've tended to park at the gooseneck and watch from there. It's a really great spot on the first lap.  Lots of people around, a lot of good old banter and is easily accessible for the disabled. If your hips are as bad as mine are you'll not have all that walking across fields. The toilets are clean too which is nice. And you have the added excitement of seeing the the teams signallers making up the pitboards for the riders. And there's refreshments there too. So you won't need that flask , after all!! All in all one of THE perfect TT spots. Let us know how you get on Sinty.

RE: Watching on the mountain - Stan Ogden - 11-06-2015

Call me old fashioned but when someone asks a question and gets 23 helpful responses in return itd be nice to get a reply, good, bad or indifferent. It would've been nice to hear how you got on and whether you went to the gooseneck or the mountain. Sinty.
Me and the missus had a great day at the gooseneck! Enjoyed the racing, the banter and even had an afternnon nap when the supertwins lap was on! Then Hillier on that new kawasaki came by, By 'eck that sounds good dunnit? Might sell some of me prizewinning racing pigeons and place an order! Hehe

RE: Watching on the mountain - Westers - 11-06-2015

Sign of the times Stan - it's all take, take, take and no give.

RE: Watching on the mountain - harveymushman - 11-06-2015

(10-06-2015, 11:10 AM)runningbear Wrote: i hope to move to island one day ,not just for bikes or racing just cos its paradise .

Be careful what you dream for