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On-Board laps - Printable Version

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RE: On-Board laps - bsa499 - 14-07-2015

I used Tony Pond's lap in a car (I think it was a Rover) to try to learn the course for my first MGP and it certainly helped me. The on-bike video I like is Dave Roper's lap on a Team Obsolete G50 Matchless, he made some fantastic passes and it's at a pace that makes it watchable.

RE: On-Board laps - scaramanga - 14-07-2015

rob fisher told me years ago he used tony ponds dvd rather than any of the solo laps as it helped him more
cant argue with 10 times tt sidecar winner on that score

RE: On-Board laps - Smudger's Lodger - 23-07-2015

As a non-rider but huge TT fan, I really enjoy the on-bike laps and have collected quite a few over the years.

Has anybody noticed that the initial release of Duke's TT 2015 Vol 3 DVD has the incorrect John McGuinness "record" lap? It contains John's first lap, not the record lap set on lap 2. Having ordered this from Duke and received the wrong DVD I queried it with Duke who have since corrected the error and replaced the DVD. I also queried why Duke no longer produce a bluray version of the On-Bike laps, they were much better quality and worth the extra outlay, but haven't had a response.

Back on topic. One of the best is laps is still Joey's lap with commentary from the V-Four Victory film. The scariest is probably the sidecar lap featuring team Tee Bee (On-Bike TT Experience 4)?

RE: On-Board laps - scaramanga - 23-07-2015

i had noticed that aswell wonder if duke will give us a new copy or refund ha ha well not from duke i wouldnt think

RE: On-Board laps - scaramanga - 23-07-2015

ive sent a email asking duke what they are prepaired to do to correct this as it is advertised incorectly im interested to see what there reply is

RE: On-Board laps - Ken37.73 - 23-07-2015

(14-07-2015, 10:12 PM)bsa499 Wrote: I used Tony Pond's lap in a car (I think it was a Rover) to try to learn the course for my first MGP and it certainly helped me. The on-bike video I like is Dave Roper's lap on a Team Obsolete G50 Matchless, he made some fantastic passes and it's at a pace that makes it watchable.

Hi. Is that Dave Roper lap on DVD ? Cheers. Ken. 

RE: On-Board laps - beetroot - 24-07-2015

(14-07-2015, 04:13 PM)Splashdown Wrote: Made my day!!
I've walked round the MGP paddock for years, and it's amazing how many folk still use my video. Peter Duke tells me that it still sells in reasonable numbers....... and it's 22 years old!!
If you could have seen the size of the video backpack that I had to wear to make this film, you would laugh out loud!

I did see it being filmed Nick Smile   I used it after my Newcomers Manx in 2000 which brought my average speed up the next time i raced by 0ver 10mph. ( i did more on boards than "actual" laps.) So it is now compulsary viewing and young Mr Rob Temple has been studying it ready for the Newcomers B in a few weeks.

RE: On-Board laps - Smudger's Lodger - 24-07-2015


Duke replaced my copy once I'd returned the incorrect DVD. They have a Freepost address for free returns and were very quick to replace the DVD. No explanation or formal apology though.


RE: On-Board laps - scaramanga - 24-07-2015

im still waiting for reply
ive had a few fall outs with duke over the years there customer service is not the best
ive spent a lot of money with them and never had a offer of a discount or a freebie when ive had to complain and as you say very hard to get an apology

RE: On-Board laps - warrior - 24-07-2015

I think Dave Ropers lap is on a DVD called Classic Racer Experience if you wanted to search for it.

RE: On-Board laps - Ken37.73 - 28-07-2015

Found it. Thanks a mill.

RE: On-Board laps - scaramanga - 29-07-2015

got a bit of a half harted reply from duke but no offer of replacement
i contacted trading standards then made futher contact with duke i now have the correct copy of the onboard laps vol3 very happy with the dvd but not with dukes responce
i have had other negative dealings with duke in the past which have made me considor not dealing with them again
i have stuck by them up to now as i like to give them my money as they have done a lot to help broadcast the sports i love but now really considoring buying from elsewhere on the internet rather than duke themselves so duke will loose out as others are same price or even less in some cases

RE: On-Board laps - Smudger's Lodger - 03-08-2015


That's disappointing, especially given that they had previously replaced the DVD for me. Mind you, I had to push, at first they just said that I should return it for a refund. When I did get the replacement, the replacement invoice had a note on the bottom saying "replace from new stock".

I guess that we should vote with our feet, that and make other potential purchasers aware. I note that the bluray TT 2015 review is out, usually I would order it to add to my collection and as a souvenir of my visit this year, but perhaps not this time.


RE: On-Board laps - scaramanga - 03-08-2015

had to swap emails a few times until replacement was offered but i still have the old copy with the wrong lap
i have just preordered another disc as this will give me enough duke club points to order 2 other titles i want for my large collection after that im not sure if ill use duke or buy elsewhere may all depend on outcome of thease next 3 dvd's
might even send a letter of complaint direct to duke rather than email see if it goes to a higher member of staff

RE: On-Board laps - maybolezx12r - 04-08-2015

I bought the review this year and the 3 onboard dvd`s all quite good.James Hilliers lap on the new ninja was something else alough the camera angle was not great.

TT Rider's Guide - bsa499 - 05-08-2015

There have been quite a few postings about on bike (and in car) laps of the TT course recently. I wonder if any forum members have also used Ray Knight's excellent TT Rider's Guide to assist with learning the course? I was given a copy when I first entered in 1993 and it was an ever present during all my subsequent forays. OK the course has changed over the years but not that much. I found it a real help in all my outings.