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bronze replica - Printable Version

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Re: bronze replica - Anonymous - 06-01-2004

Thanks for that Don often wondered what happened to Jack

Re: bronze replica - Anonymous - 06-01-2004

Don, thanks so much for this. I simply adored Jack and have to admit I was in love with him in the fifties. Seem to remember he was much taller than me as I think I was only about 6 years old at the time. lol

Re: bronze replica - Anonymous - 07-01-2004

At the 1975 TT I had the pleasure in helping Jack and a young aussie lad called Robert Madden, they were accompanied by a guy called Chris Mitchell, I met Chris in the Douglas Head Hotel ( my local at the time )he had popped in for a pint from their garage under manx radio, where also garaged was Bill Smith, Steve Murray and Jan Kostiwinder.
Jack only done the proddy race that year because some low life stole his leathers from the van so he packed up and left.
To my memory Robert fell off at the 11th in the proddy but was ok, and had results in the junior and lightweight.
Those were great days and thanks for bringing up Jacks name. I am still involved in racing and seen Jack briefly 2 or 3 years ago but never got to speak with him I think he done the classic lap.

Re: bronze replica - Anonymous - 08-01-2004

Great string indeed, but has ANYONE got a SPARE one for my collection ??

Re: Jack Ahearne - Anonymous - 08-01-2004

In 1963 he split the Gileras in practice and also did a "Ton" lap..........He was over the moon and I still have my own taped interview with him after his lap.