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Bushys beer tent - Printable Version

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Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

that's never Bushy's...there's no litter, no slops, and no drunks...

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

Weissbier with a lemonslice??? Not real bavarian. I Say! They are already putting up the tents here in munich in anticipation of the thousands of aussies and brits.
Beer is a serious buisness here. If you ever fly into munich airport. have a "hoibe" at the airbrau. Yes, munich airport has its own brewery and the beer tastes great. and can be lethal! I had a pint of special lager waiting for a flight to arrive. I had trouble getting up after that....

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 10-08-2004

Where will you build up a tent like on the Oktoberfest on the IoM?? And where are all the pigs for the "Schweinshaxe"??

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 10-08-2004

Well, it would extend this string, if people suggested where a better place than the Prom would be, we would need better parking and loo facilities for a start ! !

If it is seen to be viable and to make money for them what wants it, they will find the food, it doesn't have to be ALL pig ! A multi-Hog roast or similar perhaps ? Mr Cretney, what do you think ?

Right---------my suggestion would be :-

NOBLES PARK FIELD with perhaps the Suzuki type of sponsored involvement ??

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 10-08-2004

How about retiring some of the older Steam Packet ships (after replacing them with more modern ones) and having off-shore "Booze Cruises" around the Island (hopefully at Duty-Free prices. No problem with loos but the surrounding sea may get a bit polluted.
Could be a good revenue raiser for Manx Charities.

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 10-08-2004

The surrounding sea is already more than a bit polluted, and the new treatment system is about to self destruct.

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 10-08-2004

Let's have a spiegeltent! <A HREF=""></A>

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 10-08-2004

now that's a good constructive idea.......vell done

Are you reading this string Tourist Board Lot ??

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 10-08-2004

I'm having a wee laugh at the enthusiasm we have for beer as opposed to bikes!If you can't get a Spiegeltent (we have loads here at the Festival, by the way,) speak nicely to Gail and she might lend you her nice new gazebo! At least the ttwebsite folks would have a place to meet!

Re: Bushys beer tent the future? - Anonymous - 10-08-2004

Hi Pykey the point being you have too attract lots of people to make the money to pay for the racing. If people dont go numbers are dropping then there's not much to spend on the racing side
QED end of the TT

Re: Bushys beer tent the future? - Anonymous - 10-08-2004

Hi Steve hope you are ok but i see your point but it seems sad that you have put POP MUSIC before the racing to attract the crowds? how times have changed.

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 11-08-2004

If Ramsey got themselves into gear there is plenty of land out where they have the sprints. They could pull the crowd away from Douglas. The weather is better up North as well. They could even start the TT from Parliament Square then all the complaining "business people" from Douglas would not be so disrupted by all that loutish behaviour!!!