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Farewell Dave - Printable Version

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Farewell Dave - yorky - 07-03-2006

Never lucky enough to have met David,but have watched in awe at his skill and speed at the TT from the BSA and Norton engine days to later years.All our prayers and condolences are with your family and friends at this difficult time

- MV - 08-03-2006

Go for it Rosie!

I am guessing that there will be more tributes yet.
I wouldnt be at all suprised to see memorials of various kinds set up in Daves memory. Either physical memorials or trophyys or even charities.
May I also say Rosie that your efforts in helping Dave and his family will be remembered, too.


- Tomcat - 08-03-2006

A talented and courageous man.

Ride free, Dave.