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- bikespotter - 21-09-2006

- FC - 22-09-2006

All the DTL can say is Lies, every year they say its a bigger year, you only have to take a look at the old picture and IOMSP records to prove its all bullcrap. The DTL are a Government department fighting for its life, they have one of the bigests bugets without any recording of their activities, they have all ready been slated in an ongoing court case for keeping bad records.

- Anonymous - 22-09-2006

So, what happened to the "new class" that was supposed to be going to be run at next years TT, according to a certain other road racing website, "in conjunction with the organisers of the North West 200 and the Ulster Grand Prix".

North West 200 v TT 2007 Irish Racer December 2006 Issue #61 - bikespotter - 31-03-2007

After reading issue #61 of the Irish Racer magazine, one of the figures quoted in respect to trackside attendance for the Isle of Man TT Races was revised from "TT 60,000 average per race day" to '10,000-20,000' per race day quoted by Paul Phillips in this article. The original posting of "TT Future" of the 27th August 2006 described the NW200 event as being "loathed" by "the die hard enthusiasts" although this point was not mentioned in this article (#61 December 2006).

In to regard to the MCN article 14/2 2007 a number of points where mentioned in respect to an event in Ireland as being "loathed" by Paul Phillips in respect to a previous article that he had mentioned that he had written. This MCN article of 14/2 provides a different perspective to a certain Irish motor-cycle event being allegedly "loathed" by "the die hard enthusiasts." The event was described as variously being dominated by one or two riders out of about a half-dozen, one or two manufacturers and being frighteningly dangerous. Nevertheless, this description by Paul Phillips of the unnamed Irish event could be also the description of the problems with the Isle of Man TT Races from the late 1960's ownwards resulting in the loss of world championship status. To highlight the one-sided nature, the 1969 Senior TT Race was won Giacomo Agostini by 8 minutes, 22 seconds from a half-dozen riders most TT fans could not remember. Also, the transition from World Championship event to TT Festival was certainly completed by the late 1980's and the this format which TT 2007 will be based.

The unamed Irish event appeared to be used to highlight the problems with the 2003 TT race meeting which was described as 'wardrobe disfunction' by Paul Phillips in respect to the organization of the 2003 Isle of Man TT Races. However, in regard to the Manx Grand Prix the 'wardrobe disfunction' was not mentioned and the MMCC the organisers of the Manx Grand Prix replaced the ACU as the race organisers of the TT races.

At the time most of the problems that were mentioned publicly was access to the the TT Paddock and health and safety issues in respect to storing fuel next to barbeques. The issues in regard to paddock access have now seemed to be resolved. However, with TT 2007 it was possible to see fuel being stored in the proximity of barbeques if you looked closely in the lower paddock. Also, one articulated trailer in the upper paddock had 15-20 fuel drums stored between the wheels and most appeared to be full of fuel. Also in regards to the 2003 TT meeting, I think most would not single-out the Race Marshalls with the problems that occured, especially in the general terms that the MCN article of 14/2 was addressed, particular when compared to the UK press-coverage of the events of the TT Races in 1951, 1953 or the period from the late 1960's already mentioned.

After watching the recent Moto GP coverage on Eurosport the 125cc & 250cc classes the large fields would suggest that the two-stroke classes are still thriving. After the Ultra-Lightweight and Lightweight classes where dropped after TT 2004 the current interest in Moto GP would suggest that perhaps that the TT Races should be more pro-active in supporting race classes and rather than being reactive. However, there may not be much support for a production race based on the road-based 125cc or 250cc classes in the future.

In regard to the TT Future, after downloading the TT press pack an item on mentions the new TT Hall of Fame which I thought in the circumstances whould have had a more higher profile than a paragraph on page 12. After TT 2006, it was John Surtees than mentioned that the heritage elements of the TT Races needed to be promoted in full (some potential licensing opportunties missed alltogether.) Certainly, there is further to go with the heritage elements than just a mention on page 12 of a 2007 press-pack (Perhaps, a digression but I feel that Guthrie's Memorial would benefit from a steam-clean since this year is the 60th anniversary) and from a racing or heritage point of view the TT Races does not start or end with TT 2007.

- GriffMuss - 21-04-2007

I thought I'd come out of hibernation and take a read at some past comments, whilst forced to take a break from running whilst recovering illness. And in the need to get my TT course licence if I've any hope of doing the MGP this year as running has taken over ! Well when you get to my age and you realise that time is on your side and a chance in a lifetime to qualify for something like Island Games which has 25 nations from round the world competing, well I couldn't miss out !

OK, I find subject this interesting and I have to say Paul Philips has done a brilliant job and with all his contacts that he has, helped him achieve turning the TT around. This can't be achieved easily without putting in lots of hard work and time. And at times he'll have been frustrated by the government red tape so will have needed a lot of patience at times ! Now he'll have an extended family member !

I have to say I found it hard to believe the estimated amount of spectators watching the TT races, as someone else pointed out, you only have to look at photos in the years gone by ! And we have also 'lost' many spectator viewing areas due to 'safety' and also 'private' land.
And as pointed out there is no way 2,500 spectators in a mile !

I would like to say that the TT should take a leaf out of the NW200, by recruiting persons to go round the TT course selling the TT programme, I've never seen anyone do this. I just think it's a good idea and some way of getting some money for the TT. Yes I know some won't agree and that it's expensive to get over to the Island and also it would get people into the shops to buy more but they'll do that anyway regardless.
I always see volunteers around the course doing their bit to fund raise for the helicopter so lets see programmes as well !

Funny, I posted some time ago about Classic parades. Something I do like to see. But I did wonder if they have an ACU licence to do this and have to do something like us riders have to qualify to ride round the 'TT course'. Seems very UNFAIR if they didn't. Does anyone have the 'know'
I know I'd like to know ! Well if I don't see any answer here, I'M sure going to go and ask some of these riders who are taking part !

Here's to an enjoyable successful TT 2007.

- thewitch - 23-04-2007

RUN, Gail, run!!!!

racing - pierre - 23-04-2007

I'll definitely second that, Gail. I will now go and visit your blog for the latest info on the Island Games.