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NEW LOGO FOR 2007 TT - Printable Version

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- Sam Pato - 07-11-2006

What a 'classic' TT website thread. If it's change - beat it up / if theres no change - beat it up.

I'm still not sure where Paul gets the energy from (or why he bothers) ........

I'm sure you can grind him down if you keep at it. Sad Sad


- pit boy - 07-11-2006

I don't normally get involved in all the Forum politics but all this negativity
surrounding the centenary event,the logo and what is and is not on really hacks me off like Sam Pato just said why does Paul and the team bother.
Lets get behind the TT not keep wishing it was 15 years ago again those days are gone and let's move forward and not keep harping on about why can't we have this and why can't we have that.I am sure the Dept of Tourism have looked at all the angles and the new Logo,race programme and commerciality of the event will ensure the TT and the S100 and MGP will continue for years to come.What would you all say if it was left like it was a few years ago? and if the TT finished then what?
I bet all the doom mongers would be up in arms saying why didn't they do things to help prevent this?

Rant over
lets look forward not back

these are my views

- MV - 07-11-2006

You rant as much as you like!
Its a free country (still but only just!)
Meanwhile, let us who have spent fortunes on the
Island over long periods, discuss the future as much as WE like.


- cargo - 07-11-2006

[Image: rant.gif]

- Beatster - 07-11-2006

MV Wrote:You rant as much as you like!
Its a free country (still but only just!)
Meanwhile, let us who have spent fortunes on the
Island over long periods, discuss the future as much as WE like.


You are correct it's a free country but there is only so much criticism that can be take before a person (people) gives in.

If come June 2007 and the whole event flops, then load your rifles because it's hunting season!

Before then lets put the bayonets away and pick up your half full glasses Big Grin

- cargo - 07-11-2006

[Image: chickenglass.jpg]

- thewitch - 07-11-2006

Oh, dear, dear...I thought my posting might get people thinking about things in a more constructive way, but it looks as if that wasn't an option for some people.
Anyway, this topic is now closed. I will open another with the optimistic posting, and I suggest people put there their favourite memory of the TT, or the NEW idea they would like to see at the 2008 TT...OK..."Always look on the bright side of life" etc...we still have a TT