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Hugs - Bellydancer - 21-06-2007

My thoughts, love and all positive energies are added to those expressed above.


- Chris Thackeray - 21-06-2007

GriffMuss Wrote:Come on Mum wake up !!
We're waiting......................

Big Hug to you

- GriffMuss - 24-06-2007

She'll soon be shouting that herself Lol Lol Lol

- Carolynn - 24-06-2007


I truly hope your mum pulls through this... she's a tough old bird, so I'm sure she will, given time.
I hope you and your dad are bearing up ok? I saw your dad down there, when I had my visit to the hospital during the Steam Packet races.
Take care for now,

- thewitch - 24-06-2007

Oh, Carolynn... she'll get you for that when she gets out! Lol! hope you are OK after that scary off.

- Carolynn - 24-06-2007

She might, but I reckon she'll agree with me though! I meant it in the nicest possible way!

Yeah, I'm pretty good now thanks... most of the aches and pains have gone now.


- fiona k - 27-06-2007

GriffMuss Wrote:Come on Mum wake up !!
We're waiting......................
Good luck for the races. Do it for mum so she has something good to hear when she does wake up. I'm sorry I haven't posted sooner but am new to this posting stuff and seem to drop when I get home from hosp so usally leave it to Anja. You are truly good people (John, Gail and Dave)and I know you will be friends for a long time as will other special people in IOM. I hope I'm still on the Island long enough to meet Hillary, yet hope to be gone soon. Maybe when I come back if I miss out!!!!!!!!

- John Hulme - 30-06-2007

Just want to add my get well soon wishes to Hilary, and good luck wishes to Gail.


- thewitch - 03-07-2007

This is a message posted by Hilary's son-in-law david, o the manxathletics website:
I am glad to be able to report that Hilary has made very definite progress over the last few days. She is still unable to speak due to the tube in her throat, but it is hoped this will be removed very soon as she is now breathing almost unaided. She has been much more awake and aware over recent days and is responding well to conversation. Needless to say Gail and I are looking forward very much to seeing her on Sunday when we get back from Rhodes. Thanks again for all the continued messages of support, not least from everyone connected with the IOM athletics team here in Rhodes.

- Stella - 04-07-2007

Its just so good to read such positive news. Hilary especially and Shaun have never been out of our thoughts over the last few weeks.

Feels like the suns coming out again 8)

- MV - 04-07-2007

Well said, Stella.

They certianly have been in my thoughts and I have never met Hilary!

Even if the sun isnt quite out, at least its stoppd raining.

Keep it up both of you


- Michael - 04-07-2007

We hope the rain stopped and the sun come out for Hilary!
The whole team from the Gruseleck wish a speed and complete recovery!
God bless you.

- GriffMuss - 09-07-2007

Hi everyone I'm back with the sunshine must be that Rossi sunshine fridge magnet I brought back home from Rhodes for MUM ! Lol
Sorry if you didn't get the sun !

Mum had three days in the week and was touch and go on Friday not good but has pulled through and we saw her last night and she looks a lot like my Mum now to what she did when I last saw her the night before our departure to Rhodes.
We will be seeing the doctor today for an update on her progess for next few days and what they plan to do to help aid her recovery.

- Anonymous - 09-07-2007

Gail i would like to call and see Hillary but can visitors call? as i am off to the boat within the hour i wont have access to PC but rest assured my prayers are with you and your family so i will make some enquiries this evening at Billown.

- David Griffiths - 12-07-2007

I am absolutely delighted to be able to report a huge positive development today. Hilary is now breathing unaided, and for the first time since the accident was able to talk to us this evening which was just wonderful. She is now fully aware of everything that is going on, and although she doesn't have the strength to say too much at the moment it is marvellous to be able to have a conversation with her again. Gail asked her if she was looking forward to being able to have a cup of tea, to which she replied 'yes, I'd love one!' I suggested to her that the first one should be on its own but that we might try slipping a shot of Cointreau into the second one, which made her smile!

From a practical point of view she will now be able to communicate with the doctors and nurses which will make a huge difference. There is still a long way to go, but this is the most positive thing that has happened since the accident almost 5 weeks ago.

- cargo - 13-07-2007

Thats great news David Smile

I do hope that in the next 5 weeks Hillary will recover sufficiently to be at JF's world famous Bikers Brunch.

- John Foster - 13-07-2007

Thanks David - that's the best news we've had in years!
[Image: fireworks2.jpg]

- GriffMuss - 13-07-2007

If she can't make the brunch, we'll take it to her ! Lol Lol Lol

PS CARGO, I'm your brolly dolly, hope Sandy don't mind ! :wink:


- Don Simons - 14-07-2007

That is a great load off my mind.
I hope she is back giving us a hard time as soon as she is able.
Thanks Gail and David for keeping us posted.

- David Griffiths - 14-07-2007

The fighting spirit is returning. Yesterday I was telling Hilary some stories about some of the shambolic organisation at the Island Games in Rhodes. I suggested to her that the ACU could have organised it better - this was met with an icy stare and a vigorous shake of the head.... Lol