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- Stella - 15-07-2007

Just home from Oulton Park and thats .....Great News !!!! 8) Big Grin 8) Big Grin

Oh and the Suns Shining for real too !!!!!

love and best wishes,

- GriffMuss - 16-07-2007

Pleased to report that Mum has moved to nromal ward and the latest news is on
Go to forum then Hilary and go to 'next' as there is two pages ! And 67 messages.
thanks all

- Fitz - 16-07-2007

Hi Gail,

Thanks for the update. I bumped into Janice at Jurby on Saturday and she said she had seen Hilary and was looking forward to eventually having a BBQ and beer with you all Hilary gets out, so clearly you had better get the charcoal out!

Tell your mum she had better get well soon otherwise Shaun might visit her from Leeds once he is out and I am sure she would rather be in hiding than listening to 'The Ginger One'

Love to you all

Fitz. X

- MV - 16-07-2007

Such positive news!

Great stuff.


- thewitch - 16-07-2007

Afore-mentioned Ginger One will sort you himself in the next day or so, as he now has computer access...

- David Griffiths - 20-07-2007

Hilary's recovery has progressed enormously over the past couple of days. Today, for the first time, we were able to have a perfectly normal two-way conversation with her. As recently as yesterday she was struggling to say more than a few words at a time, but is now able to speak completely normally. I was teasing her about her taking part in last year's St John's 10k Walk, which she decided to enter 5 minutes before the start (with a little pursuasion from Gail), having just eaten a large curry takeaway on the way! I told her that as tonight was my 'comeback' 10k race after more than 2 years out with injury, I would be under pressure to beat her time! She was laughing about that.

Having said all that, this may sound a little contradictory. We (that is, the family and the nursing staff) have decided, for the forseeable future, to restrict visitors to immediate family and very close friends only. Hilary is presently coming to terms with what has happened and the extent of her injuries, and needs plenty of time and space to be able to do that. So many people have been wishing her well, and are anxious to see her now that she is out of ICU and recovering well. The problem is that it has been getting a bit too much over recent days, and she needs plenty of peace, quiet, rest, and time to think over the coming days. For the same reason we will not be updating on here as regularly for the time being. We are sure that everyone will understand the situation.

If you wish to send her a card, that's great - she is on Ward 11 of Nobles Hospital, Braddan, Isle of Man. Hilary is absolutely astonished at the level of support for her and has asked us to thank everyone for their kindness and concern.

- dieselglider - 22-07-2007

It's brilliant to hear about the recovery of both Hilary and Shaun. If it wasn't for these forums, those of us in other parts of the world would never get to know that sort of info.

Thanks to all.

- MV - 23-07-2007

David and Gail,

yes, of course, you must do what is best for Hilary right now.
We are grateful that you have keepen us updated so much.

Love light and peace to all of you


- GriffMuss - 06-08-2007

Hilary now improving and eating regular which is an improvement over last few days as she's been feeling very unwell.
Now moved into normal bay with two other nice ladies, and the air is much better so she's not feeling so bad. She has actually become more motivated to do things so watch out she's on her way back here !
A few more weeks physio to get the strength up to start walking.
She's been very overwhelmed with all the cards and messages and that eveyone is thinking of her.

- Anonymous - 09-08-2007

I am glad Hillary is progresing David and Gail and thanks for the updates.

- thewitch - 09-08-2007

I have just been to see Hilary today and she is very much better... she's the Hilary we all know again. She's hoping not to be too long in hospital now, but obviously needs a lot of physio etc at the moment.
She wants to thank veryone for all the messages of support, cards, flowers etc... she is quite overwhelmed at how good people have been to her. (Only what she deserves, I say)

RE: Hilary Musson - David Griffiths - 10-08-2007

Fantastic news! Such has been Hilary's spectacular progress over recent days that the Hospital has agreed to allow her to go home for the weekend as from this evening. She will obviously have to go back to go through the rehabilitation process (we don't know how long that will take), but to get to this stage so soon is simply incredible and shows how strong and determined she is. All being well, she will be at Ramsey on Sunday to watch Gail (and me!) compete in the Half Marathon.

Just in case anyone doesn't know, because we deliberately weren't too specific in previous postings, Hilary had most of her left leg amputated as a result of the injuries she sustained. This was done 4 days after the accident and was unavoidable despite the very best efforts of the medical team, she would not have survived otherwise. She has come to terms with this remarkably well and is very positive about having an artificial limb fitted in the not-too-distant future and getting back to as close to a normal life as possible. Now that she is able to get out and about, it is as well that everyone knows about this now. 

Considering the stage she was at in her recovery only 2 weeks or so ago, this latest development is almost miraculous!

- cargo - 10-08-2007

Great news David

She'll soon get the new leg run in (no pun intended)


- thewitch - 10-08-2007

Fabulous! What a star! Get the champagne out!

- MV - 10-08-2007

What amazing news!
Me n P were a bit tearful when we read the news.
Tears of joy, of course.
....and we have never met the lady!
Miraculous is the right word.

Keep it going, Hilary.


- shaun hogg - 10-08-2007

Fantastic news , have never met Hilary , but she must be one tough lady , good on ya gal ! Beetween Hilary improving & Shaun going home last week has put a smile on everyones faces involved in motorcycling . Shaun

- Jan Grainger - 10-08-2007

Agree Shaun, both obviously very strong people and with their support teams I am sure they will recover to lead a passionate life once again. This news certainly lifts the cloud which has been hovering over us all during this worrying time. Best wishes to Hilary and Shaun.