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Visitor figures 2002 - Printable Version

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Visitor figures 2002 - Anonymous - 16-06-2002

Is there any way of knowing the definitive figure of how many people came over for this year's TT?
There seems to be an awful lot of contradictory information floating around.

Re: Visitor figures 2002 - Anonymous - 16-06-2002

Most of the Island shops were reporting sales 30% down on previous years.
Not so many people or just lots of people with no money !

Re: Visitor figures 2002 - Anonymous - 16-06-2002

Yes, your beautiful island is really very expensive for us continetals! Perhaps because of the Euro???

Re: Visitor figures 2002 - Anonymous - 16-06-2002

Maybe there were plenty of people but with better things to do than go shopping......I know I was one of them!!!

Re: Visitor figures 2002 - Anonymous - 17-06-2002

I bet you still bought food, drink and fuel.

Re: Visitor figures 2002 - Anonymous - 17-06-2002

It's not the EURO! The IOM and Britain is very , very expensive. Fuel per Litre: Germany 1,04 Euro , Belgium 1,00 EURO IOM 1,28 EURO!!!! I staied last year in summer 3 weeks with a camper on the IOM and the prices was as high as this years TT. The greatest cost for me as a German are the ferries!!!
And I think , this year there were minor Germans at the TT.