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Bungalow ? - Printable Version

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Bungalow ? - ian huntly - 01-02-2011

On Manx Radios webcams, I have been watching the Bungalow on a regular basis, mainly to demonstrate to friends the webcam system, the snow, the vantage spot and to show the bend and railway lines which are part of the TT..

We have noted a huge pile of wood in the southviewcam and we wonder if they are re-building the old Bungalow Hotel (see ) to fit in with the 100 year celebrations. Seems like a very large amount of planking in view !! goto webcams some of the "planks" look like rails ???

RE: Bungalow ? - Manx Mist - 01-02-2011

Nice thought Ian but its nothing more than some winter maintenance work on the tram lines.

RE: Bungalow ? - ian huntly - 01-02-2011

Well, they will have a few old rails left over....

They could be used to make a solid part scale framework and then do as the Germans have done in Berlin, (see and see the "new" Schloss) then use covers printed with the building to go over the framework. Would be a wonderful reminder of days gone by.

Come on Isle of Man - it could be such a lovely three dimensional background where we could have our photos taken against it as a long lasting souvenir....

see also

Cost it out. Shouldn't cost too much.

I am absolutely serious about this, if they are only doing the Dawn Chorus in a limited area this would be an extra area to do a few nostalgic events.