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Crowds at Snetterton - Printable Version

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Crowds at Snetterton - Anonymous - 02-07-2002

Does anyone know how well the Snetterton BSB round was attended considering the rival attraction at the TT?

Re: Crowds at Snetterton - Anonymous - 03-07-2002

I read that 20,000 were there.

Re: Crowds at Snetterton - Anonymous - 03-07-2002

Hope they were given binocculars on their way in.

Re: Crowds at Snetterton - Anonymous - 03-07-2002

I don't think there was one spectator at Snetterton that weighed up the relative merits of BSB v TT and decided to go to Snetterton.Believe it or not, there's a hell of a lot of bike racing fans who neither know or care if or when the TT races are happening.Had I not been at the TT, in all probability I would have been at Snetterton.Just because you like one form of bikesport, it doesn't mean you automatically dislike all others.