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Spatchcock - Guy Martin Comment - Printable Version

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Spatchcock - Guy Martin Comment - Malcolm - 08-06-2011

Brilliant, Steve Parrish was totally lost when Guy came out with this comment, right in the middle of their conversation.

Steve P - So blah, de blah etc...

Guy - "So what's a Spatchcock then ?"

Steve P - "What, Eh ......."

Guy - "Until someone told me , I thought is was something to do with a Massage parlour"

For those of you left wondering

"flesh of a chicken (or game bird) split down the back and grilled (usually immediately after being killed)"

Can't see anyone else come out with something like that.

Similar in a way to his immediate response to Chris Kinley when Kinners wanted to ask him about his thoughts on the Superstock race, immediately after he had taken his lid off. - "I'm going to Cuba for my holidays etc.." Totally threw Chis for a few moments !!! - Brilliant.
