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Condolences to Helen at TT website - Anonymous - 18-01-2003

We are very sorry to hear the loss of your dear
Mother. God Bless her.

We look forward to your visit very shortly,
take care, see you back here in next few days.

Lots love
Gail & David, Hilary & John

Re: Condolences to Helen at TT website - Anonymous - 18-01-2003

Very sorry to hear of your loss Helen. Our thoughts are with you.

John, Del and Sean xx

Re: Condolences to Helen at TT website - Anonymous - 18-01-2003

Oh dear, not very good news at all. Yes, our thoughts are with you Helen and your poor dad. It's amazing how the 'carer' is often the partner who passes first. I will still celebrate their upcoming anniversary on 29th March as it would have been my parents as well.

Re: Condolences to Helen at TT website - Anonymous - 19-01-2003

My sincerest condolences go out to you Helen.

Re: Condolences to Helen at TT website - Anonymous - 19-01-2003

My thoughts are with you at this sad time Helen.

Re: Condolences to Helen at TT website - Anonymous - 19-01-2003

Please may I add my condolences to everyone elses..
Our thoughts are with you

Re: Condolences to Helen at TT website - Anonymous - 20-01-2003

Very sad news. My deepest condolences to the whole family.

Re: Condolences to Helen at TT website - Anonymous - 20-01-2003

Hellen, I always remember what my old Jewish dentist told me when I was a kid in Melbourne. He asked me if I had a girlfriend and I said, no. He said, Yes you have, it is your Mother and she is the best friend you will ever have. You can have any number of wives but you can only have one Mother. My Mum died 23 years ago and I still miss her.How weak is our language and how weak are our words at a time like this. Just remember you are not alone, everyone out here on the net feels for you.

Re: Condolences to Helen at TT website - Anonymous - 21-01-2003

Helen, everyone who knows you will be thinking of you and your loss. I never met your Mum, but she must have been a perfectly smashing person, to give life to one such as you.
She now rests easy, and you can remember all the good things about her.
Kindest regards to you and your Family.

Re: Condolences to Helen at TT website - Anonymous - 22-01-2003

Thank you so much to everyone for their messages here, by email, and txt message. I have come home now, and find there are also cards. I will try to respond to everyone soon. Mam was a lovely lady, and she and Dad were devoted. He was there till the end, and I will be phoning him regularly now. I had only spoken to Dad twice on the phone before this weekend...that was Mam's job!