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[Image: mssbathamslogo.jpg]

MSS Bathams Kawasaki team boss Nick Morgan reflected on a frustrating weekend at Silverstone after seeing his Superbike riders finish in relatively lowly positions given their abilities.

“This game is all about confidence and if you’re not 100% confident in your set-up and can really hang it out, you get swamped at this level. It sounds clichéd but our riders and team shouldn’t be in these positions but when you realise they were battling people like Haga it shows just how competitive this series is and how a few mistakes put you right down into the mid-field.”

Danny Buchan was flying in qualifying running as high as fifth until his bike perspired in Q2, putting him tenth on the grid. His bad luck continued in the first race when an electrical gremlin took him out on only the second lap, giving him a terrible seventh row start for the second outing. This grid slot gave him a mountain to climb and he ended up seventeenth from thirty starters.

[Image: rutteratassen2012.jpg]

Similarly Michael Rutter had a weekend to forget with a disappointing first outing with set-up issues to overcome, also giving him a poor grid slot for race two, resulting in 18th and 16th place finishes.

Michael summed up, "It’s not been a great weekend and we maybe went the wrong way on set-up. At least we were racing a bit in the second race and we made some headway with the bike between the races but you’re never going to get a great result from row six.”

Danny said, “I can’t believe some of the things that happened this weekend, what a nightmare. We were going so well in qualifying before the problem and the luck then never left us. Terrible results but not through a lack of trying from all the lads. Let’s get out of here and down to Brands!”

In Superstock Leon Hunt had to start from pitlane battling through the grid to twenty-first position.

Sandra Stammova had a problem with her Superstock machine’s brakes in qualifying, after taking three seconds off her previous best in practice, saying “I was actually really happy with my pace and things were going well until something happened with my brakes over the far side of the circuit at the beginning of qualifying so we didn’t get to qualify.”
