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Larry's new hat - Printable Version

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Larry's new hat - Anonymous - 24-02-2003

Looking forward to seeing Larry Devlin (he of the Xray eyes) in his new Classic Racer hat at the TT. Just got the new magazine in the post today, and who's the star...

Re: Larry's new hat - Anonymous - 25-02-2003

You'll have to come to Billown Helen.

We'll be away home by the Wednesday of Practice Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

However, the kettle's always on in the tent!!

Re: Larry's new hat - Anonymous - 25-02-2003

Helen Classic Racer to me is the best publication on the bookshelves i must be getting old?

Re: Larry's new hat - Anonymous - 25-02-2003

Re: Larry's new hat - Anonymous - 25-02-2003
