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Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 02-03-2003

Superbikes on the box tonight bbc 2 at midnight.

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 03-03-2003

Hip Hip Hooray!
Thank you so very much Aunty Beeb.
British riders winning at world level,and what do they do? Show highlights at midnight. Only in Britain could this happen.

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 04-03-2003

I know, not what you would expect or hope for, However the female producer of the programme did reply to a similar posting on the MCN website and fair play to her put her points across in a positive manner.The jist of it was we are going to some good positive coverage this season in WSB and Moto GP i think !
cheers Stella.

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 04-03-2003


If Auntie Beeb had paid the money she could have been broadcasting races live, however I am lead to believe that some of these other programmes transmitted by Beeb - mini series etc. cost much more to put on than motorcycling. This was explained by a Sky spokesperson in reply to criticism of Sky dominating the sport.


Big D

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 04-03-2003

Derek i am not sure whether i would be at home if either TV companies showed live racing, after all a lot of race fans are out and about in the season so me personaly i prefer watching the highlights later in the evening what do others think? regards from Pykey.

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 04-03-2003

I really don't know what all the fuss is about.

As races go, both legs were rather boring.

Highlights were more than enough for me.

I did however watch the Supersport race live on Eurosport.

Now THAT was a race worth watching!!

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 04-03-2003

All very well watching on Eurosport but unfortunatly Larry not everyone has access to sky?

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 04-03-2003

I do enjoy watching racing on Eorosport. I know it costs but its my choice. I have done years of going to meetings. The thing I especially like about sattelite coverage (Eorosport or SKY) is that you can plan a summers day at home. Dip in and out of the viewing. This means you can get those jobs around the home done. If the weather out side turns bad then its great to settle down with the tele. The best part is not having to battle with traffic to do it! Yes, I do sound old and sad, but I AM geting on now you know!
Mind you, the T.T. is different. No substitute for being there!
As for the World Superbikes? Well, unless The Foggies get more competitive and other manufacturers join in, then it is going to be processional, I am afraid.
These things go round. Boring old 500 c.c GPs (remember when Doohan was riding?) have been replaced by the potentially, supremely interesting MotoGps! All those top riders. All that exotic machinery... just like t'old days!!
I cant wait.
Now if we could get just ONE of those screaming 4-strokes in the Island this June...... hmmm

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 04-03-2003

I saw the races live on Eurosport here in Germany! It was a very bad day (the weather not the races) and if the weather is good I put on my video-recorder an look the races in the evening. Next superbike is in Phillip Island . Live report at 5.00 a.m.. SO you have the whole day for all other.

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 05-03-2003

Pykey, I don't have Sky - I wouldn't pay that bloody man Murdoch the money!!

I just point the dish South and pick up "European" Eurosport free - plus you get Niall Mackenzie as co-commentator!!

Can't be bad . . . . . . . . . . .

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 05-03-2003

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 05-03-2003

Ah but was she worth it????????????????????????

Re: Superbikes on the box - Anonymous - 05-03-2003

Sorry Pykey, you need a satellite dish pointing at "Eutelsat" to get it for nowt !