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GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY - Printable Version

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GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY - Anonymous - 19-03-2003

We are on the eve of a major conflict-

Let us pray it is over quickly with as little hassle as possible....

Re: GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY - Anonymous - 19-03-2003

I'll second that, Ian. My thoughts are with all the people at risk on both sides, but particularly with Big Jim Kyle, who some of you met last year at the TT, when he came across with me, for his first visit. Like many of the TA/reservists, he has been called up, and so he will not be at the NW200 or the TT.

Re: GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY - Anonymous - 19-03-2003

I also would like to wish all the lads and lassies out there good luck and hope and pray that they come home unscathed.

Re: GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY - Anonymous - 19-03-2003

Yes, it's times like this when our beloved TT must take second place in our thoughts. We live in very troubled times and I too, wish both your folk and ours a safe return and I will always give them the support they deserve for doing an extremely difficult and dangerous job.

Re: ROAD MAPS - Anonymous - 20-03-2003

We've just had a guy at our door selling road maps of Iraq !!!!

Personally I think they were sheets of sandpaper !!!

Re: ROAD MAPS - Anonymous - 20-03-2003

It wasn't Edgar Jessop was it? He was in that area last I heard.

Re: ROAD MAPS - Edgar - Anonymous - 20-03-2003

I just heard that a lone figure on a Royal Enfield 990cc was seen leading an SAS unit on the outskirts of Baghdad. The rumour is that Edgar will be offering Saddam a pillion ride into exile.
Let's hope that he takes it!

Edgar is determined to bring this conflict to a end as quickly as possibly so that he will have ample time to prepare to compete in the TT and to lead the Lap of Honour as is his custom.

Seriously, we are praying for a speedy end to the fighting with the least possible suffering and loss of life on all sides.

Re: ROAD MAPS - Edgar - Anonymous - 20-03-2003

I expect John Wayne will claim all the credit.

Re: ROAD MAPS POSTCARD - Anonymous - 30-03-2003

Thank you to the "anonymous" person who sent me a postcard size piece of sandpapr with "IRAQ FROM THE AIR---IN A SAND STORM"

Clever---I almost fell off the bidet !!