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Further review into TT spectators’ safety will be carried out - Printable Version

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Further review into TT spectators’ safety will be carried out - Malcolm - 20-06-2013

[Image: 26thmilestonepic.jpg]
The 26th milestone, where TT rider Marc Ramsbotham and two spectators lost their lives in 2007

Coroner Michael Moyle made recommendations aimed at improving safety at the Isle of Man TT at the end of the inquest into the deaths at the 26th milestone in the 2007 event.

Mr Moyle presided over the inquest into the death of rider Marc Ramsbotham and two spectators - Dean Jacob and Gregory Kenzig - who were hit by Mr Ramsbotham’s bike when it left the course.

During the course of the three-day hearing in March 2008 the court heard there was no clear chain of command for course preparation and prohibited areas had not been marked with signs.

At the end of the inquest Mr Moyle made a number of recommendations to improve safety at future events.

‘As regards the circuit itself, if it is possible and feasible to make simple easy alterations or amendments so that spectators or marshals or competitors are placed in less danger, then obviously this should be done,’ he told the court.

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‘It took a tragic accident at the 26th Milestone before what some people might have regarded as obvious steps were taken to reduce or eliminate the danger.

‘The course should be re examined with a completely fresh and unjaundiced eye.’

In fact after the 2007 accident there was a review of the course and spectating areas and a tightening up on prohibited areas drew protests from many fans who felt the event’s immediacy and unique appeal were being compromised.

Plans showing in detail the extent of all prohibited areas are now displayed on each site around the course.

Mr Moyle also suggested there was an agreed date by which all signs denoting prohibited areas were in place. In addition, he said the parties responsible for this job should be clearly identified and a log should be completed showing when, where and how many signs had been put out.

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Referring to the situation as it existed in 2007, he said: ‘The confusing, indeed risible, situation for responsibility for erecting signage should be avoided at all costs.’

As well as having specially designated officials to check on signage he said chief and deputy sector marshals should carry out further checks which should be repeated at the start of each day’s racing.

Further recommendations included examining the command structure within the race organisers and taking steps to make it more efficient. After the inquest, improvements were made to the way the races were organised, in partiular the setting up of the course.

Following this year’s Senior crash, where no spectators were in prohibited areas, there is to be a review of spectator safety at the bottom of Bray Hill. Positions of Fanzones will also be considered.

by John Turner
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