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Hollywood's latest racing film - Printable Version

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Hollywood's latest racing film - Anonymous - 22-05-2003

One of the latest films from Hollywood is called The Brown Bunny! When I heard that it is about a bike racer I was naturally all ears LOL! In the film the racer has a series of romances with women who remind him of his lost love who has a brown bunny.
Sadly, it was so badly done that over 100 critics walked out in protest.Those who stayed booed and jeered. On the bright side, let's hope that this will be a caution to anyone considering doing another film about bike racing or a racer to make it with respect, authenticity and understanding of our sport.
We can only hope!

Re: Hollywood's latest racing film - Anonymous - 22-05-2003

Absolutely, this is why I was very worried about the talk of a film on Mike Hailwood.

Re: Hollywood's latest racing film - Anonymous - 23-05-2003

Yes, how can any film maker ever hope to live up to the standards set by Silver Dream Racer?

Re: Hollywood's latest racing film - Anonymous - 23-05-2003

Every film on motor car racing has also been a disaster. Danger film makers do not enter here.

Re: Hollywood's latest racing film - Anonymous - 23-05-2003

YEH---The film "GREEN HELMET" is in Black and white and had SID JAMES as a mechanic-------FOR GODS SAKES !!

anybody seen it on TCM ????

Time to remake NO LIMIT !!!?????????????

Re: Hollywood's latest racing film - Anonymous - 23-05-2003

Well, we could use DAVID as a representative star to play his Dad--

The likeness is quite staggering.......

see <A HREF=""></A>

Re: Hollywood's latest racing film - Anonymous - 24-05-2003

Yes, sadly the Green Helmet was based on a book written by a famous Australian author Neville Schute. And it wasn't meant to be a comedy.
How about the end sequence of the film "On the Beach" with Fred Astair, of all people, racing around Phillip Island. They say you should not perform with animals or children, well I would like to add racing machinery to that old chesnut.

Re: Hollywood's latest racing film - Anonymous - 24-05-2003

I believe Arnie Swarzenneger hoped to star in a biopic on Edgar Jessop, but the scheme fell on the impossibility of finding plimsolls big enough.

Re: Hollywood's latest racing film - Anonymous - 24-05-2003

Don, do you remember "Sidecar Racers" featuring one American star, supported by a host of Australian actors probably made in the early 70's. Some excellent footage from Bathurst included and Sydney Showground speedway as well. Local riders and pit crew being cast as extras. Probably one of the better motorcyling movies but yes, none will surpass No Limit.