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Tony Bingley - Printable Version

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Tony Bingley - Anonymous - 25-05-2003

I am not sure if you all know, but Tony is at present in the Cumbria General Infirmary. Not very happy about missing the Racing, so if you can spare the time please send him your best wishes and let him know we are all thinking about him. He will be there for apprx. another 5 weeks, can anyone spare five mins. for a visit.

Re: Tony Bingley - Anonymous - 25-05-2003

Can you give us an address Rosie so we can send cards?Sorry to hear that.At least he will be able to listen in

Re: Tony Bingley - Anonymous - 25-05-2003

The address is:
Cumbria General Infirmary
Elm Ward "c"

If you give me a ring, I will tell you abit more on the situation.