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Pre-TT Classic results - Printable Version

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Pre-TT Classic results - Anonymous - 26-05-2003

Just back home from a superb day's Classic racing on the Billown circuit. The results were as follows :

Senior - 1st Steven Elliott, 2nd Allan Brew, 3rd Colin Dally, 4th Eddie Byers, 5th Karl Wilkie, 6th Tim Stephenson

Lightweight - 1st Ewan Hamilton, 2nd Mike Hose, 3rd Barry Wood, 4th Bud Jackson, 5th Decca Kelly, 6th Terry Kermode

Junior - 1st Chris McGahan, 2nd Steven Elliott, 3rd Derek Whalley, 4th Mike Hose, 5th Barry Wood, 6th Bud Jackson

Post Classic Superbikes/750 Classic (Combined - not sure of the splits within classes) - 1st Bud Jackson, 2nd Mike Hose, 3rd Decca Kelly, 4th John Loder, 5th Karl Wilkie, 6th Bill Swallow

Sidecars - 1st Geoff Hands/Ruth Hands, 2nd Stuart Digby/Paul Thomas, 3rd Eddie Toombs/Bob Dowty

As usual, the meeting was superbly run by the Southern 100 Club. There was an unfortunate incident involving 3 Sidecar outfits at Church Bends on the first lap of the race which caused the race to be red-flagged. As this was the last race before the lunch break, it was decided to continue with the scheduled race order after lunch and re-run the Sidecar race at the end of the afternoon. Not only did all the races run over the full distance (including the re-run sidecar race), but the roads were opened with 10 minutes to spare ! If only all road races were managed so efficiently - were you watching, ACU ? I hope so, because you've been given an object lesson in how to run a road race meeting.
It wasn't a good day for Bill Swallow who suffered a series of mechanical problems, as did John Leech. On a personal note I was delighted to see Eddie Toombs and my cousin Bob Dowty taking 3rd place in the sidecar race for the second year in succession - indeed they were 2nd for more than half the race.
It was also nice to meet Malcolm of TTwebsite for the first time - he was thoroughly enjoying the racing.

Re: Pre-TT Classic results - Anonymous - 26-05-2003

Any idea what happened to Alastair Lewis/Bill Annandale? I hope everyone from the sidecars was OK.

Re: Pre-TT Classic results - Anonymous - 26-05-2003

They were right with Geoff/Ruth Hands on the first 2 laps but broke down on lap 3. A pity as it would have been a good race, but Geoff & Ruth won by the proverbial country mile after that. Don't have any info on the accident - let's hope it wasn't too serious.

Re: Pre-TT Classic results - Anonymous - 26-05-2003

David, you beat me to it. A great meeting and have enjoyed every day of it. Comments regarding the organization are spot on and other meeting officials should take notice of how well organized everything is (and friendly to boot)at this club.

Great meeting up with Bill Snelling and Pat, Larry Devlin, John Foster, Dave Clark, Chris Palmer, Richard Boole to name but a few, and thoroughly looking forward to getting my own Duc out for this meeting next year.

Even met up with Vin Duckett whom I haven't seen for some 15 years or more.

Rosie at the Sulby is showing her kindness and her hospitality is proving second to none, (Oh my head this morning ....Ouch !)

Hope to meet up with more of you lot when you get over. Will be in the Sulby most nights.

Re: Pre-TT Classic results - Anonymous - 27-05-2003

I hope Devlin and Foster did not lead you astray Malcolm with the Okell's Mac Lir, Weizenbier. It would go with his Deutsches Motorrad.

Re: Pre-TT Classic results - Anonymous - 27-05-2003

Larry, Jane and I had tea together this afternoon in Castletown. It is all very civilised on this side of the planet, and not a vestiophobe in sight.

Re: Pre-TT Classic results - Anonymous - 28-05-2003

Trust Fosty to come up with a strange and rarely used word. For those 98% of the population who don't know what a vestiophobe is, then it is one who has a fear of clothing. It is true that we Aussies do not wear as much of it as people up over but we are not frightened by it.(except the black fishnet variety).
May I reveal to the world John's phobia, that is, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- or the fear of long words.
Go on be a devil and have another cup of tea,you are not over the limit yet.

Re: Pre-TT Classic results - Anonymous - 28-05-2003

And,back to an age old posting of The Witch and several more of us----don't forget the scones!!!!