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The Amazing Draw of the TT - Printable Version

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The Amazing Draw of the TT - BcakWeleher - 24-03-2015

Hi All,

I thought I would share something that happened at the Weekend that I found quite unusual.

Those that know me (About 4 of you!) will know that I am a riding instructor. Not in the art of going faster, but more in the idea of trying to stay alive on the crowded roads of South East England. Generally this involves teaching novice motorcyclists of all shapes and sizes who wish to ride motorcycles for all manner of reasons.

Anyway last Saturday I was tasked with an introductory lesson to two complete novices who turned out to a lad of 15 getting in a bit of early experience on our private site, and a lady of around 30 I am guessing.
I always ask what goals the trainees are looking to achieve and a lot of the time you can second guess the answer but on this particular day I was in for a surprise.

Turns out the lad is 16 next week and coming in for CBT and wanted a bit of a practise first on his geared 16er two stroke, so all fairly predictable.

Then I turned to the lady and was thinking that she would be one of the usual sorts......either the husband rides and she wants to give it a try, or she wants to get a cheap commuter bike to get to work, or often just a CBT eventually so she can ride a scooter.

So I ask what she is about and she says "I go to the TT every year and I really want to learn to ride a motorbike."
"Aha", I think, so she's a pillion who wants to have a go. "Who do you go with? Your husband?"
"Yes" she says, "we go every year, although this year for the first time we are going for the whole fortnight which is a first, but we love it so much."

"I see", says I, "So you are thinking about getting a licence and riding your own bike instead of going on the back are you?"

"Oh, no, my husband cannot ride a bike, he has no interest.I just want to see what it is like."

Well this is a first for me. These two have never even been on a bike and yet have fallen in love with the TT to such an extent that it is now their main holiday each year. Furthermore I struggle to understand that a person (in this case the husband) who does become a fan doesn't even want to give riding a try.

Then I started thinking......I watch the horse racing and yet I wouldn't fancy riding a 60 stone beast with a brain the size of a pea, and a nervous disposition, never mind racing it in close proximity to 20 other beasts!

I can report that the said lady did very well with her first ride on a bike and after a couple of hours was able to control the bike at slow speeds. She is now coming back to progress towards her licence in the near future. Perhaps one day she will be queueing up with the rest of us on our bikes for the ferry!

I am sure there are plenty of other non bikers with an interest in the TT , but to me it is unusual.

Anyway, I am over this year 4th to 10th staying in Douglas so hope to see some or all of you for a beer on Mad Sunday Night at the Old Market Inn if it's still going>


RE: The Amazing Draw of the TT - Raynetjr - 25-03-2015

Brilliant - I'm unusual then 😀! I've never ridden a bike and only been on a pillion once. Got into this by helping out with radios for first aid posts at UGP, mid Antrim etc and got in to the sport that way - still love the island though😀