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M.G. P. Rescue Helecopter Mhelliah - Printable Version

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M.G. P. Rescue Helecopter Mhelliah - Anonymous - 07-10-2003

Re: M.G. P. Rescue Helecopter Mhelliah - Anonymous - 07-10-2003

I'm not sure how much publicity was given to this event, but Gail and I were not aware of it. We actually did go to a Mhelliah on Saturday night at the Crosby, but had we known about the Sulby Glen one we would have gone to that instead. Rosie, perhaps you could post a list of events at the Sulby Glen for the winter season on the Bulletin Board ? Congratulations on raising such a fabulous sum of money - much appreciated by everyone involved in racing I'm sure.

Re: M.G. P. Rescue Helecopter Mhelliah - Anonymous - 08-10-2003

Ok, for the foreigners, what exactly is a Mhelliah? I suspect it is some sort of social event, but I can't find it in the Manx dictionary. In Australia it would probably be called a P*ss up or a Barbie.

Re: M.G. P. Rescue Helecopter Mhelliah - Anonymous - 08-10-2003

As a mainlander mostly living in the Middle East, I am not aware what a Mhelliah is appart from the fact that it is a significant fund raiser.
Rosie, do you have any similar events during TT fortnight or do you keep an open "pot" to accumulate contributions for the various funds?

Re: M.G. P. Rescue Helecopter Mhelliah - Anonymous - 08-10-2003

you beat me to it don, i was going to ask the same question. what on earth is "mhelliah"?
cheers, ade!

Re: M.G. P. Rescue Helecopter Mhelliah - Anonymous - 08-10-2003

I'd say you're close to the mark there, Don, sounds like one of our doo's but I love Rosie's story and I would give anything to have been there. Thanks Rosie for the explanation.

Re: M.G. P. Rescue Helecopter Mhelliah - Anonymous - 09-10-2003

You got me with that Rosie, my donation to the fund is in the post.
Still don't think Mhelliah is a Manx word, but it must be because it is not used anywhere else on the net.

Re: M.G. P. Rescue Helecopter Mhelliah - Anonymous - 11-10-2003

I can assure you that "Mhelliah" is a widely known word throughout the Isle of Man, and many thousands of pounds are raised for charity every year at "Mhelliah's" throughout the Island...and long may it continue.

Always great social events at this time of year in most pubs...

...the craic is mighty...yissir...

