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Bullock or Bird - Printable Version

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Bullock or Bird - Anonymous - 08-10-2003

Who is right Bullock today says he is optimistic and things are moving in the right direction
Bird says he aint coming back or to Quote him
"I think the situation is critical. We are now at a stage where the TT could succeed or dwindle into a second Manx Grand Prix very rapidly, and in fact I think we have already reached that stage."
well sorry mr bird but as the MGP is the better meeting i dont care.
And if Mr Cretney is telling the truth Mr Bird never attended the meetings and had no input so is it a case of monstermob using the TT and now they dont need it so slag it off
Also todays mannin line put over my points (from others) posted and removed from this board weeks ago i hate to say it but i told you so then and nothing has changed ! carry on slagging off the marshalls and scrutineres and there will be no racing full stop.
as for Moodie website and Harvey Thomson why have you not answered the serious questions on the manx net boards ? you both skirt around the truth and harvey you only chose to speak for Moodie when it suits you
Jumping a sinking ship does not help unless you helped sink it !!

Re: Bullock or Bird - Anonymous - 09-10-2003

Right with you this time Eric.
There are some monster egos at work here on both sides.
And the Manx is up there with me as well.

Re: Bullock or Bird - Anonymous - 09-10-2003

Hi Eric

In response to your question who is right? I'm not sure, I think Martin is right to a degree, whereas things are now, with the think tank and debates going off, going in the right direction, but as we see from Paul Bird's reaction, they are too little far too late.
There is a big debate going on about the state of the TT elsewhere on the web, and it seems that the same points are being brought up by all interviewed, myself included, that is the way in which both big teams and ordinary racers are (mis) treated by the ACU, ripped off by the Steam Packet, and confused by rules at scrutineering changing at random usually towards the end of practice. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A DIG AT THE SCRUTS BUT THE RULES THEY ARE TOLD TO ENFORCE :-)!!!!
Also the way in which Marshals and Scrutineers are taken for granted by the organisers, and of course the way in which spectators are ripped off and now not even allowed into the paddock. The list is endless but the points are all the same from a wide range of people.
I think it's a terrible shame that Paul Bird has said he will not return, and I think the ACU should eat a bit of humble pie and try to attract him back, not just with money but with a bit of common decency and respect!!!! Without the big teams there are no spectators and without them it doesn't matter how many riders, scrutineers, marshals or ACU FRELOADERS turn up, there will be NO TT, cos the TT is about money.
Sorry about rabbling on a bit.

Re: Bullock or Bird - Anonymous - 09-10-2003

Eric, thanks for that and have a nice day.

Oh Eric...... - Anonymous - 09-10-2003

Eric i tried approx four times to reply to your post, got totally p....d off and gave up!

Thanks Russ - Anonymous - 09-10-2003

Positive reply and if people can not see the need for change for the better the TT will not be around in a few yrs time. Very interesting interviews over the last few days from all sides on just hope that all the points being raised are being noted ?

Re: Oh Eric...... - Anonymous - 09-10-2003

No point anyway, Stella.

Re: Oh Eric but this is the point - Anonymous - 10-10-2003

just because i dont agree with everyone else does not make me wrong !from what i have heard and read I would say i said it all a month ago but no one listened.
I know if i went on here using an alias there would be more replies but i will always put my name to what i belive to be true and i dont care if you all ignore them
I heard david cretney say virtually what i said weeks ago so like it or lump it i have my finger on the pulse of what is happening in the IOM and lets face it the TT is here and if it goes it will be decided here not in the UK ( but could be from EC directives ) so i am sorry if i offend anyone but sometimes the truth hurts
And Harvey make your mind up do you post on here as an individual or PR for Moodie

Re: Oh Eric but this is the point - Anonymous - 10-10-2003

Eric, many of us post as ourselves, and as people proud to be friends and admirers of great riders (and people) that you can only insult. Clearly you don't know them. That's your loss.

Re: Oh Eric but this is the point - Anonymous - 10-10-2003

Have another good day.

Re: Oh Eric but this is the point - Anonymous - 10-10-2003

Hey H!- was that you biting there?

Re: Oh Eric but this is the point - Anonymous - 10-10-2003

oooh, I can be such a ...witch!

Re: Bullock or Bird - Anonymous - 11-10-2003

Re: Bullock or Bird - Anonymous - 11-10-2003


Re: Bullock or Bird - Anonymous - 11-10-2003

Re: Bullock or Bird - Anonymous - 12-10-2003

You are spot on there, Chas. I'm afraid he took his (broken) bat home.
If you still read this board Larry (Carter) I'm sure you might be able to fill us in on the details.