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Celtic Match Races - Anonymous - 10-10-2003

Good Luck to the Scottish Team as they return to take part in the Celtic Match races at Pembury this weekend. Wish we could be there as i reckon they have a really good chance....Not that i am biased or anything !!!!

Re: Celtic Match Races - Anonymous - 10-10-2003

...and the Rugby and the football...Good luck to all the teams, and may the best Scots win!!
(Oh, dear, that will have upset Eric..)

Re: Celtic Match Races - Anonymous - 11-10-2003

No, no, Helen -- the Sword of State belongs to us!! -- even without Hilton Hincks and Swanny!!!

Re: Celtic Match Races - Anonymous - 11-10-2003 you have hit on a soft spot. That man plays the meanest blues moothie.

Re: Celtic Match Races...Any News ? - Anonymous - 11-10-2003

Please ?

Re: Celtic Match Races...Any News ? - Anonymous - 11-10-2003

Ireland lead from wales IOM 3rd Scotland 4th Cornwall 5th.

Re: Celtic Match Races - Anonymous - 11-10-2003

Don't get too carried away!!!

As you should know, the "Sword" rightfully belongs in the IOM!!!

However, it is great to see all the "Celtic Nations" competing again this year.

Who knows, this could be the basis of a great championship throughout Europe or even further.

Wishing all competitors all the best for tomorrow...especially the Manxies.


Re: Celtic Match Races...Any News ? - Anonymous - 12-10-2003

Thanks, Grant been on computer all night !! Was wondering how it was going.

Re: Celtic Match Races...Any News ? - Anonymous - 12-10-2003

Sorry to dissappoint, buti have been informed that the lads have won ; the IRISH Lads that is , well done no 14 !!!!.

Re: Celtic Match Races...Any News ? - Anonymous - 12-10-2003

OK, I concede they're not bad! Look forward to having them over next year, and I hope you'll come too.

Scotland.......FAO Witch/Stella - Anonymous - 12-10-2003

Hey what a great ending to the Scots football
last night !!
And guess who the scorer was..........and we
are proud to be their supporters !!!!
As for Beckham......well.......he earns too
much money....and all he could do was fall over !!

Re: Scotland.......FAO Witch/Stella - Anonymous - 12-10-2003

Gail its never easy being a Scotland fan !!! i even had to open a second bottle of wine.....
Seriously well done to all who took part in the Celtic Match Races. Where is it being held next year,party er.. i mean racing at Scottish circuits perhaps ??
Stella x

Re: Celtic Match Races...Any News ? - Anonymous - 12-10-2003

Told you, Helen -- and never mind what Chas says -- it's OUR Sword!!!

Re: Scotland.......FAO Witch/Stella - Anonymous - 13-10-2003

Supposedly a wee circuit not a million miles from your house, Stella.

Re: Scotland.......FAO Witch/Stella - Anonymous - 13-10-2003

I agree 100% Gail about the remark about Beckham, one overpaid PUFF.

Re: Scotland.......Stella - Anonymous - 13-10-2003

Ya Beauty !! i thought it was. Should be a good weekend then....

Re: Scotland.......Stella - Anonymous - 13-10-2003

Well hopefully busy! We'll get a preview at the Saturday of the Bob Mac on the Nation's competition - Scotland usually win that one! Now there's something for Bryan to aim for - a place in the team!
