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Wednesday Race Day + Start Lists + Race 1 & 3 Reports & All Results - Malcolm - 07-04-2016

[Image: ttmonsterlogobig.jpg]

Wednesday 8th June

10.45 - Monster Energy Supersport TT Race 2 (4 laps)

Start List

12.25 - Sidecar qualifying (1 lap)

13.45 - Bennetts Lightweight TT Race (4 laps)

Start List

15.40 - Senior TT qualifying (1 lap)

16.25 - TT Zero Race (1 lap)

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Weather Projection

Issued on Wednesday, 08 June 2016 at 5:00am by Ronaldsway Met Office

Today is most likely to stay dry, with just the very slight risk that a localized shower will develop. 
There will be spells of sunshine, although it will be hazy with some early mist or hill fog patches 
and also, perhaps, sea mist drifting onto some coasts at times. 
Winds will be light with afternoon temperatures up to a warm 21 Celsius in the sunshine.

Sunrise: 04:47pm

Road Closure

09:15 - From Barrule Park Ramsey

09:30 - From the Bungalow

16:55: - Scheduled time for Roads Open (Except around the mountain section)

17:55 - Scheduled time for Roads Open around the Course


RE: Wednesday Race Day - Malcolm - 08-06-2016

[Image: ttmonsterlogobig.jpg]

[Image: bungalowwednesday.jpg]
The Bungalow at 10:00 hrs

Monster Energy Supersport TT Race 2 (4 laps)

No Klaxon at 10:00 hrs - Reason a 45 minute delay announced.

A further 30 minute delay announced. - Hopefully a 12 o'clock start

Rescheduled Programme announced.

12:00 - Monster Energy Supersport Race 2 (4 laps)

14:00 -  Sidecar Qualifying (2 laps)

15:15 TT Zero Race (1 lap)

 16:00 - Senior TT Qualifiying (2 laps)

17:00 - Roads open except Mountain Section

18:00 Roads closed

18:30 - Bennetts Lightweight TT Race (4 laps)

11:00 Update

Mist creeping in at Glen Helen and now reported to be doing the same on the West Coast

[Image: ramseytomountain.jpg]
View in Ramsey upto the higher levels - 11:00 hrs

11:15 - 45 minute Klaxon sounded.

11:30 - 30 minute Klaxon sounded 

William Dunlop not out today - Back injury is giving him too much pain.

11:45 - Further 30 minute delay due to mist on the West Coast.
(Helicopter can't get into area around Alpine)

First Race now to go at 12:30 (hopefully)

A Further 15 minute delay due to mist in the Alpine area - so maybe a 12:45 start

Looking good now for a 12:45 start.

5 minute start signal given


RE: Wednesday Race Day - Malcolm - 08-06-2016

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Monster Energy Supersport TT Race 2 (4 laps)

[Image: racingisgo.jpg]

Mc Guinness leads them away down Glencrutchery.

Bruce is way, next is James Hillier, then it is Hutchy and then Peter Hickman and next its Michael Dunlop, then it is Gary Johnson the at 9 it is Michael Rutter and then Conor. Cam Donald is next and then Deano Harrison, now it is Lee Johnston, no 14 or 15 of 16 or 17, so next at 18 is Martin Jessop. Ivan LIntin is away and Jamie Coward followed by D Hegarty and Steve Mercer

Glen Helen - Lap 1 

McGuinness goes through and next is Bruce closing in, next comes Hillier and now it is Hutchy close behind. Michael Dunlop goes through.
Gary Johnson goes through,  Rutter and Conor close together. Deano is on the tail of Cam Donald

1 Hutchy +0.6
2 M Dunlop
3 D Harrison
4 B Anstey
5 J Hillier
6 G Johnson
7 C Cummins
8 J McGuinness
9 P HIckman
10 L Johnston

Gap is 0.1 at Ballaugh

Hutchy clocked at 172+ at Sulby. 
Michael Dunlop clocked at 169.5
J Hiullier clocked at 167.8

Colin Stevenson retired 
Hudson Kennaugh retired at Quarterbridge

Ramsey - Lap 1

First through is McGuinness, next is Bruce closing, now it is Hutchy and then it is James Hillier, next it is Michael Dunlop and Peter Hickman behind him and now it is is Gary Johnson a gap to Conor and now comes Rutter, next it is Deano and then Cam Donald, now it is Lee Johnston

1 Hutchy + 0.48
2 M Dunlop
3 D Harrison
4 C Cummins
5 B Anstey
6 J Hillier
7 P Hickman
8 G Johnson
9 J McGuinness
10 L Johnston

Grandstand - End of Lap 1

First across the line is Bruce Anstey and then John McGuinness and closing is Hutchy, now it is M Dunlop, Conor goes through, now it is Deano and Rutter

1 Hutchy +4 ( 127.45 lap)
2 M Dunlop
3 D Harrison
4 B Anstey
5 C Cummins
6 J Hillier
7 P Hickman
8 L Johnson
9 G Johnson
10 J McGuinness

Glen Helen - Lap 2

3 together it is Hutchy, leading then  Bruce ad John McGuinness, next is J Hillier next is M Dunlop, then P Hickman, now it is a gap to G JOhnson, next is Conor and then Dean Harrison a followed by Rutter, Cam Donald goes through ok.

1 Hutchy + 5.6
2 M Dunlop
3 D Harrison
4 C Cummins
5 B Anstey
6 J Hillier
7 P Hickman
8 L Johnston
9 J McGuinness
10 G Johnson

Derek McGee retires at pits
D Madsen-Mygdal retires at Sulby

Ramsey - Lap 2

First through is Hutchy then Bruce and then John McGuinness all close together, next is James Hilier and now it is M Dunlop, a short gap to Pete Hickman, now a gap to G Johnson and now comes Conor , next is D Harrison and followed by M Rutter, then L Johnston. Cam Donald pulls in at the Hairpin (shaking his head). Martin Jessop goes through.

1 Hutchy +6.2
2 M Dunlop + 11.5
3 D Harrison
4 B Anstey
5 C Cummins
6 J Hiillier
7 P HIckman
8 L Johnston
9 J McGuinness
10 G Johnson

Grandstand - End of Lap 2

Into the pits come Hutchy, Bruce and then John McGuinness, then James Hillier and then M Dunlop, Out goes Hutchy and Bruce then John McGuinness is away, M Dunlop and J Hillier away together. Gary Johnson and Conor Cummins come in now is is Dean Harrison coming in. Rutter is in, 

1 Hutchy +7.1
2 M Dunlop +14
3 D Harrison
4 B Anstey
5 C Cummins
6 J Hillier
7 L Johnston
8 P Hickman
9 J McGuinness
10 G Johnson

(time gaps are coming into the pits)

Davy Morgan retired

Glen Helen - Lap 3 

Hutchy is first through sounding sweet. Next it is Bruce, a gap now to  M Dunlop and J Hillier go through, a gap to P Hickman, next is Conor and then D Harrison and G Johnson together, Lee Johnson and M Rutter run through together. A long gap to Ivan Lintin and M Jessop.

John McGuinness doesn't show at Glen Helen - Retired at Braddan Church

1 Hutchy +12
2 M Dunlop
3 D Harrison
4 B Anstey
5 C Cummins
6 L Johnson
7 J Hillier
8 P Hickman
9 G Johnson
10 M Rutter

Ramsey - Lap 3

First through is Hutchy then it is Bruce, a gap to M Dunlop and next comes J Hillier, now a gap to P Hickman and another gap to Deano,  Conor and then G Johnson, 

1 Hutchy +13.9
2 M Dunlop + 10.1
3 D Harrison +11.2
4 B Anstey + 2.6
5 C Cummins
6 J Hillier
7 L Johnson
8 P Hickman
9 G Johnson
10 M Rutter

Grandstand - End of Lap 3

First across the line and onto the last lap is Hutchy, with a gap to Bruce and another gap to M Dunlop and James Hillier close together. A gap to Pete Hickman and now it is Conor with Dean Harrison on his tail, next is 

1 Hutchy +17.8
2 M Dunlop
3 D Harrison
4 B Anstey
5 C Cummins
6 J Hillier
7 L Johnston
8 P Hickman
9 G Johnson
10 M Rutter

Glen Helen - Last Lap

First it is Hutchy who goes through, now a gap back to Bruce and then it is M Dunlop with J Hillier tailing him. A gap to P Hickman and another gap to D Harrison and Conor in that order, next is G Johnson. Lee Johnson goes through and then M Rutter

1 Hutchy +18.3
2 M Dunlop
3 D Harrison
4 B Anstey
5 J Hillier
6 C Cummins
7 L Johnston
8 P Hickman
9 G Johnson
10 M Rutter

Ramsey - Last Lap

Hutchy goes through, now a gap to Bruce and then M Dunlop and then J Hillier a gap to P Hickman, then another gap to Dean Harrison followed by Conor, next is G Johnson and the comes L Johnston, M Rutter goes through.

1 Hutchy +18.2
2 M Dunlop
3 D Harrison
4 J Hillier
5 B Anstey
6 C Cummins
7 L Johnston
8 P Hickman
9 G Johnson
10 M Rutter

The gap is up to 19.5 at the Bungalow

Joe Newbould involved in an incident at Douglas Road Corner. Taken by Airmed to hospital with ankle and wrist injuries.

Grandstand - Finish Line

Hutchy crosses the line to take the win (pulling a massive wheelie). 14 wins now to match the great Mike Hailwood.

Next across the line is Bruce Anstey and then Michael Dunlop taking 2nd place. James Hillier crosses the line. A gap to Conor and Dean Harrison cross the line

1 I Hutchinson +17
2 M Dunlop
3 D Harrison
4 J Hillier
5 B Anstey
6 L Johnston
7 C Cummins
8 P Hickman
9 G Johnson
10 M Rutter


RE: Wednesday Race Day + Start Lists - Malcolm - 08-06-2016

[Image: ttmonsterlogobig.jpg]

TT Zero Race (1 lap)

16:00 hrs start now due at 16:10 hrs

45 minute Klaxon sounded

And they are off with John McGuinness leading down Glencrutchery, next is Bruce Anstey and then William Dunlop, next comes Daley Mathison then Allann Venter. Timothy Monot and Matthew Rees

Glen Helen

First through is John McGuinness, then comes Bruce Anstey, next is William Dunlop, a gap now to Daley Mathison then Allann Venter. A longgap back to Tim Monot and a very longgap to Mat Rees.

Bruce not showing on the Timing. 

McGuinness through witha 4min & 49 secs - 120.461 sector time

1 McGuinness +7
2 W Dunlop
3 D Mathison
4 A Venter
5 T Monot

William clocks a 159.8 at Sulby


Bruce Anstey comes through safely, then it is William Dunlop next. Daley Mathison goes through. Now it is Allann Venter

Where is John McG

Transponders not transmittng correctly

1 J McGuinness

Finish Line,

1 Bruce Anstey
2 W Dunlop
3 D Mathison
4 J McGuinness
5 A Venter

Johns issue was, he activated a kill switch when he went over Ballaugh (under the seat) and a punter by the side of the road suggested he try re-setting it , which worked and allowed him to go on and finish the lap.

Bruce crosses the line first with a 118.6 lap
Next  William Dunlop with a 115.84 lap


RE: Wednesday Race Day + Start Lists - Malcolm - 08-06-2016

[Image: ttmonsterlogobig.jpg]

18:30 - Bennetts Lightweight TT Race (4 laps)

15 minute signal sounded at 18:15

[Image: racingisgo.jpg]

Leading away down Glencrutchery is Martin Jessop, then it is James Hillier, next is Ivan Lintin, then Gary Johnson and then Michael Russell and now Michael Rutter. Peter Hickman and James Cowton are away. Mark Miller, Danny Webb, next is Sam West, then Ryan Kneen,  Now it is S Bonnetti
and Rob Hodson and then Jamie Coward, Johnny Barton sets off then Colin Stevenson, 

Mark Miller retired at Quarterbridge

Glen Helen - Lap 1

First is Martin Jessop, then comes James Hillier, a gap to Peter Hickman and Ivan Lintin together, next is Gary Johnson, Michales Russel and Rutter together, next is Dan Cooper, James Cowton goes through. A gap to Sam West, then Ryan Kneen, 

1 I Lintin
2 J Hillier
3 M Rutter
4 S Bonnetti
5 D Cooper
6 G Johnson
7 M Jessop
8 J Coward
9  M Russell
10 P Hickman

Michael Rutter clocked at 152 at Sulby as does James Hillier
Danny Webb retired at Crosby

Ramsey - Lap 1

First on the road is J Hillier and closely followed by M Jessop, a gap to Ivan Lintin, then a gap to Gary Johnson, and then it is M Rutter, next is M Russell and Dan Cooper follows. Now it is J Cowton, now comes Sam West followed by S Bonnetti, Ryan Kneen goes through.

1 J Hillier +2.3
2 I Lintin
3 M Rutter
4 S Bonnetti
5 G Johnson
6 D Cooper
7 M Jessop
8 J Coward
9 M Russell
10 R Hodson

M Rutter retired at Brandwel
P Hickman retired
M Sweeney retired at the Bungalow

Grandstand - End of Lap 1

First on the road is J Hillier, next is M Jessop, a gap to Ivan Lintin and then G Johnson, D Cooper and M Russell are next through, James Cowton is next is S Bonnetti, 

1 J Hillier +2
2 I Lintin
3 G Johnson
4 S Bonnetti
5 M Jessop
6 D Cooper
7 J Coward
8 M Russell
9 R Hodson

Glen Helen - Lap 2

Hillier and Jessop through , next is I Lintin a gap to G Johnson, a gap to Dan Cooper and M Russell together on the road. A long gap back to J Cowton, next is S Bonnetti, Sam West through,  

1 J Hillier +2.9
2 I Lintin
3 G Johnson
4 M Jessop
5 S Bonnetti
6 D Cooper
7 J Coward
8 M Russell
9 R Hodson
10 B Furber

Ramsey - Lap 2

James Hillier through, next is M Jessop and then I Lintin closing, A gap to G Johnson and another gap to D Cooper and M Russell together. A long gap back to J Cowton and again another long gap to S Bonnetti

1 J Hillier +1.1
2 I Lintin
3 G Johnson
4 S Bonnetti
5 M Jessop
6 D Cooper
7 M Russell
7 J Coward
8 M Russelll
9 R Hodson
10 J Barton

Ivan Lintin leads at the Bungalow

Grandstand - End of Lap 2

First in is James Hillier, followed by Ivan Lintin, next is Martin Jessop, Hillier is away, D Cooper is coming in, G Johnson is in. M Russell overshoots his pit, J Cowton is in, S Bonnetti comes in, fuels and is away again.

1 I Lintin +1.4
2 J Hillier
3 G Johnson
4 M Jessop
5 S Bonnetti
6 D Cooper
7 J Coward
8 M Russell
9 R Hodson
10 C Stephenson

Glen Helen - Lap 3

First through on the road is J Hillier, then a gap to Ivan Lintin, then M Jessop a gap to Gary Johnson, next is Dan Cooper, then it is M Russell, a long gap to James Cowton then S Bonnetti, a gap to Rob Hodson followed by Gunnarsson and J Coward

1 I Lintin + 8
2 J Hillier
3 M Jessop
4 S Bonnetti
5 G Johnson
6 D Cooper
7 J Coward
8 M Russell
9 C Stephenson
10 Gunnarsson

Ramsey - Lap 3

James Hillier comes through first on the road, then a short gap to Ivan Lintin, next it is, next is M Jessop, a gap to Gary Johnson a gap to Dan Cooper, then it is a long gap to James Cowton and S Bonnetti

1 I Lintin + 8.8
2 J Hillier
3 M Jessop
4 S Bonnetti
5 G Johnson
6 D Cooper
7 J Cowton
8 C Stephenson
9 Gunnarsson
10 R Hodson

Ivan Lintin stretches the lead to 10 secs at the Bungalow
M Russell retired at Quarry Bends
John Barton Retired
Rob Hodson off at the Hairpin - OK

Grandstand - end of Lap 3 - Start of Last Lap

James Hillier runs through then comes Ivan Lintin, a gap to Martin Jessop, a long gap to Gary Johnson, next through is Dan Cooper after a long gap S Bonnetti and James Cowton is next

1 I Lintin + 11
2 J Hillier
3 M Jessop
4 G Johnson
5 S Bonnetti
6 D Cooper
7 J Coward
8 C Stephenson
9 Gunnarsson
10 J Cowton

Glen Helen - Last Lap

James Hillier is through and then comes Ivan Lintin, then a gap to M Jessop, then a gap to Gary Johnson, next machine is Dan Cooper, a gap to S Bonnetti and then J Cowton quite close, 

1 I Lintin +10.5
2 J Hillier
3 M Jessop
4 G Johnson
5 S Bonnetti
6 D Cooper
7 J Coward
8 B Gunnarsson
9 J Cowton

Ramsey - Last Lap

First on the road is James Hillier, then it is Ivan Lintin, a gap to Martin Jessop, a long gap now back to Gary Johnson, a gap to Dan Cooper, a big gap back to S Bonnetti and followed by James Cowton, a gap to B Gunnarsson and James Coward

1 I Lintin +10.6
2 J Hillier + 1.38:27
3 M Jessop +2.1
4 G Johnson
5 S Bonnetti
6 D Cooper
7 J Coward
8 B Gunnarsson
9 J Cowton

Grandstand - Finish Line

James Hillier crosses the line first, followed by Ivan Lintin who takes the win, a gap to Martin Jessop and now a gap to Gary Johnson and another to Dan Cooper, next over the line is S Bonnetti 

1 Ivan Lintin
2 J Hillier
3 M Jessop
4 G Johnson
5 S Bonnetti
6 D Cooper
7 J Coward
8 C Stephenson
9 B Gunnarsson
10 J Cowton

Wane Axon off at Joeys - Airmed to hospital with possible ankle injuries


RE: Wednesday Race Day + Start Lists - Malcolm - 08-06-2016

[Image: ttmonsterlogobig.jpg]

Double Supersport double for Hutchinson as he equals Hailwood's tally

Ian Hutchinson equalled the late, great Mike Hailwood’s tally of 14 wins when he dominated Wednesday’s delayed second Monster Energy Supersport race at the 2016 Isle of Man TT Races fuelled by Monster Energy.

The CAME BPT/Team Traction Control Yamaha dominated from start to finish to take his third win of the week and his fourth Supersport win in a row following last year’s double and his win earlier this week. It was also his eighth Supersport win in total.

His eventual winning margin was 17.5s with Michael Dunlop overcoming the disappointment of Monday’s disqualification to claim second with Dean Harrison on the podium again in third.

The race was delayed by two hours due to sea mist swirling round parts of the island, finally getting underway at 12.45pm, but at Glen Helen on the opening lap,

Hutchinson led but only narrowly with Dunlop just six tenths of a second behind which Hutchinson extended to half a second by Ramsey.

However, with an opening lap of 127.451mph Hutchinson established a commanding lead of four seconds while Dunlop pointed down to his machine as he flashed past the Grandstand. Harrison slotted into third, 7.6s behind Dunlop but ahead of Bruce Anstey, Conor Cummins and James Hillier as the top eight all lapped at more than 125mph.

By Glen Helen second time around, Hutchinson was exerting his control on the race as the gap grew to 5.6s and he now led on the road as well having caught and passed Anstey and John McGuinness. The Kiwi was still in fourth ahead of Cummins and Hillier as Harrison maintained his third place.

Hutchinson’s second lap was slightly quicker than his first at 127.736s and when he came into the solitary pit stop, the margin over Dunlop had grown further to 7.1s. However, he had a quicker pit stop than his arch-rival and by the time they reached Glen Helen on lap three, the margin had shot up to 12s.

Harrison was still holding onto third from Anstey, Cummins and Hillier and although McGuinness started the third lap in eighth, he retired shortly afterwards at Braddan Church.

At the head of the field, there were no such problems for Hutchinson and he continued to pull away from Dunlop throughout the lap as the podium positions were being cemented. It was a lot closer for fourth though as just six seconds separated Anstey, Hillier, Cummins and Lee Johnston.

Going into the fourth and final lap and Hutchinson had stretched further away, his lead now up to 18s at Glen Helen. Harrison was looking secure in third but Hillier was on the move and by Ballaugh he’d overtaken Anstey albeit by just half a second.

Hutchinson wasn’t to be denied his third win of the week and with another start to finish victory, he got the verdict from Dunlop and Harrison with Hillier sealing fourth with a final lap of 126.968mph. Anstey, Johnston and Cummins were close behind with just 5.6s covering the quartet with Peter Hickman, Gary Johnson and Michael Rutter completed the top ten.

The win has seen Hutchinson already clinch the Joey Dunlop Championship with an unassailable total of 95pts with Harrison in second on 67 and Hillier third on 50.

Meanwhile, the battle for the TT Privateer’s Championship continues to rage on.  Jamie Coward got the maximum 25 points having finished in a fine 12th place. Michael Dokoupil was second with Dan Hegarty in third and Coward now has 72 points to Hegarty’s 66.

Supersport Race 2 Results

[Image: hutchysupersport2.jpg]
Ian Hutchinson on the Came BPT / Team Traction Control Yamaha R6

[Image: supersport2trio.jpg]
Monster Energy Supersport TT Race 2:
Dean Harrison (3rd), Ian Hutchinson (winner) and Michael Dunlop (2nd);
the top three of the Monster Energy Supersport TT Race 2

[Image: cameflintreacewaysteam.jpg]
Ian Hutchinson and Came BPT / Team Traction Control celebrate winning the Monster Energy Supersport TT Race 2

[Image: deanosupersport2.jpg]
A big smile from Dean Harrison as he takes third on the Silicone Engineering Kawasaki ZX-6R

[Image: mickydsupersport2.jpg]
A thoughtful Michael Dunlop reflects on his second place in the Monster Engineering Supersport TT Race 2


RE: Wednesday Race Day + Start Lists + Race 1 Report & Results - Malcolm - 08-06-2016

[Image: ttmonsterlogobig.jpg]


Ivan Lintin won the four-lap Bennetts Lightweight TT race at the 2016 Isle of Man TT Races fuelled by Monster Energy on Wednesday evening, the second year in a row for both him and Devitt RC Express Racing – and third in total for the team – as he came home 12.4s ahead of James Hillier. Yeovil’s Martin Jessopp, on the Riders Motorcycles Kawasaki claimed third for his maiden TT podium.

Morning mist had seen the race pushed back to a 6.30pm start and at Glen Helen on the opening lap, it was Lintin who led but it was close with his advantage over Hillier just 0.33s while Michael Rutter was only a further tenth of a second back in third. Italian Stefano Bonetti jumped up the order into fourth on the Paton with Daniel Cooper and Gary Johnson rounding out the top six but Danny Webb and Mark Miller were already reported to be out on the opening lap.

By Ramsey, there was a change at the front of the field with Hillier in the lead from Lintin with Rutter still in third and with an opening lap speed of 118.864mph, it was the Quattro Plant Muc-Off Kawasaki rider who led at the end of the first lap. Lintin was now 2.1s adrift in second with Johnson, Bonetti, Martin Jessopp and Cooper completing the top six with Rutter having retired at Brandywell.

The difference between Hillier and Lintin remained negligible throughout the second lap with the margin varying between the timing points. Indeed, Lintin had reduced the gap to 1.1s at Ramsey Hairpin and as they came into their pit stop at the end of the second lap, just 1.4s separated the pair but Lintin was now the new race leader. Johnson was still holding onto third ahead of Jessopp, Bonetti and Cooper.

A quicker pit stop by the Devitt RC Express Racing team gave Lintin some breathing space and by Glen Helen on the third lap, his lead over Hillier had gone out to 8.2s. Jessopp’s pit crew also put in a rapid turn around and he moved into third ahead of Johnson.

At the head of the field, the gap between Lintin and Hillier now remained constant and the race was all about these two as Jessopp, although now in third, was over a minute back. Italian Bonetti on the Paton regained fourth with Johnson dropping to fifth although with a healthy gap over sixth placed Cooper.

Lintin was pressing on ahead though and, riding to his signals, he wasn’t to be denied his second successive win in the class, also making it three in a row for the team after Dean Harrison’s triumph in 2014. Lintin’s win also made him the first man to win the Lightweight race more than once since it was re-introduced in 2012.

Hillier was secure in second but the battle for third went all the way to the chequered flag and it eventually went the way of Jessopp by just over two seconds from Johnson with Bonetti and Cooper rounding out the top six.

Jamie Coward, Colin Stephenson, Bjorn Gunnarsson, and James Cowton completed the top ten.

[Image: TopThreeLightweight.jpg]
Bennetts Lightweight TT: Martin Jessopp, Ivan Lintin and James Hillier in the winners' enclosure

[Image: ivanlintinstartlightweight.jpg]
Ivan Lintin leaves the line to start the Bennetts Lightweight Isle of Man TT

[Image: hilliergingerhalllightweight.jpg]
Bennetts Lightweight TT: James Hillier at Gingerhall in the Bennetts Lightweight TT

[Image: jessopgingerhalllightweight.jpg]
Bennetts Lightweight TT: Martin Jessopp at Gingerhall in the Bennetts Lightweight TT