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coated cam buckets? - SPEIRMOOR - 06-06-2016

MD get disqualified for this even though
"ACU Events Ltd do not believe that there was a deliberate attempt to gain an unfair advantage and no significant performance advantage was gained"

RE: coated cam buckets? - Malcolm - 06-06-2016

If it is against the rules, then it is against the rules and consequences must follow, no if's but's or maybe's 

RE: coated cam buckets? - SPEIRMOOR - 06-06-2016

I agree Mal.
I guess I should have asked why are they not allowed does anyone know

RE: coated cam buckets? - makrp - 06-06-2016

Coated cam buckets will reduce friction so could increase performance. Very slightly I may add. The advantage would be negligible.

RE: coated cam buckets? - DBD 34 - 06-06-2016

How would you know if they were coated or uncoated?

RE: coated cam buckets? - Sam Pato - 07-06-2016

Almost 10 years to the day from a very similar issue.


RE: coated cam buckets? - nathan - 07-06-2016

An oversight by the engine tuner,refreshed everything,and over looked the said parts,they are coated to make them more reliable..but as stated rules are rules,

RE: coated cam buckets? - KypDurron - 07-06-2016

From what was said on the ITV coverage, the engine was bought from MarTrain and was used prior to the rule change that made coated cam buckets invalid, and that was overlooked when the engine was prepped for the TT.

Just an unfortunate set of circumstances.

RE: coated cam buckets? - DBD 34 - 07-06-2016

Yes we all saw the ITV coverage and have access to the Internet however, my questions are:

1) What are they coated with?
2) What difference would they make?
3) Why are they banned?

RE: coated cam buckets? - makrp - 07-06-2016

My understanding, and I could be wrong, is that the coating is like teflon. Thus protecting the surface of the cam bucket and also reducing friction so making the part last longer. As to why it is banned, I have no idea.

RE: coated cam buckets? - DBD 34 - 07-06-2016

Does anyone have pictures of a coated cam bucket and an uncoated cam bucket to compare?

RE: coated cam buckets? - scaramanga - 07-06-2016

as above
and the reason they are no longer legal will be cost
the rules now are for more standard engines to help keep the class closer between the people with loads of money and them with loads of debt trying to compette
thats my understanding anyway

RE: coated cam buckets? - nathan - 07-06-2016

scaramanga correct,i think i seen some one mention a cost of 2 grand to get them coated.

RE: coated cam buckets? - Alfie Noakes - 07-06-2016

It's likely to be DLC - Diamond-like Carbon coating and the coating looks to be black which I would think is the obvious indication that a coating has been applied, it's not a permanent application as it still wears through but it takes longer for the part to wear after the coating has been applied, from what I can gather there's not a great deal to gain performance wise but it stops the mechanical parts wearing prematurely and keeps the gap sensitive valve train/gear measurements in mechanically safe tolerance for much longer than stock parts which would defo help in a high rpm race spec motor. No idea why it was banned but it doesn't appear to be a cheap process or another possibility is that they've found some health issues in the manufacturing or handling process.

RE: coated cam buckets? - warrior - 07-06-2016

No idea what the visible difference is, maybe some sort of anodised finish, or a stamp to identify them as coated.

But they must have identified them in some way, and been able to prove this to the team, or there surely would have been an appeal.

I feel sorry for Michael, there was no performance gain to speak of, it was simply an out of spec component, as scaramanga says, they made some changes a couple of years ago to try and keep the playing field level, and this was probably a just a small part in a chain of those changes, which on its own is probably done purely to aid longevity, which you think would actually keep costs down.

It does seem harsh, but look at MotoGP now, we are even seeing penalties given for incorrect tyre pressures, so a tiny bit of wheel rim or valve seepage could cost you dearly!!

RE: coated cam buckets? - Sam Pato - 08-06-2016

I'm guessing the argument is that it a reliability gain rather than a performance gain.

Its a shame for all concerned.

That said I definitely agree with measures to keep costs down.

Idle speculation but I'd be interested to see how Rob Hodson's bike would go on a dyno compared with Hutchy's.  I'd bet Hutchys would have more horses.


RE: coated cam buckets? - scaramanga - 08-06-2016

the moto gp tyre pressure thing is different
thats a saftey issue they were running outside guidelines and the tyre companys were saying thats why the tyres were failing s
so the guidline was brought in and tested before race start

RE: coated cam buckets? - tiny thing - 08-06-2016

Great info lads cheers.

RE: coated cam buckets? - budgesrsv - 14-06-2016

It was said on radio tt that they were anodised buckets. This would be more for wear/ lifespan than performance.

RE: coated cam buckets? - STEVEVTR - 14-06-2016

What happened to the statement on radio tt that it was a significantly oversized engine.obviously an incorect statement by someone.