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TT Riders Forum: I am a member - Printable Version

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TT Riders Forum: I am a member - Anonymous - 09-02-2004

Yes I'm a member of this group,and I'm very proud to be able to serve the TT Races in this way, as are the other members. Their names are. Jim Hodson, Jason Griffithe, Steve Linsdell, Roy Hanks,Phil Harvey, Richard Britton, and me.
Here you have a group of experienced TT Riders who care passionately about the future of the races. We give up an awful amount of time to discuss vitally important aspects of the TT, and some completely trite and almost irrelevant items too because that's the way it has to be when the greatest races in the world are at stake. I say trite and irrelevant because it seems to me that a lot of content on this message forum especially with regard the riders forum is trite, irrelevant, and pretty ill informed. I am putting my piece in here to try and clarify what's going on without stealing the thunder from the Manx MMCC, and the Tourist Board. I write also in consideration of Ian Huntley who I note half way through the thread appealed for any info. on the riders forum,in a vain attempt to get some response. I haven't responded since I returned from the Island last week because I have been so busy, but if you want I am more than happy to make a few points in my next message.
But Ladies and Gentlemen, please be assured that when the forum meets, it is with the full knowledge of what everyone involved in the TT wants, from the Tourist Board right through to the Island inhabitants and not forgetting marshals, spectators, and the riders,(IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER!)
I really don't think you have a clue what goes on behind the scenes,(how could you be expected to?) so please be assured that there are folk out there who DO care and ARE doing their best to keep the show on the road.
I know it's a quiet time of year with no action right now, but I do get a little fed up when I read loads of rubbish. I take nothing away from the contributors who place some really interesting messages on the board and that are a pleasure to read.
Now fire away those of you that want to know what's going on!

Re: TT Riders Forum: I am a member - Anonymous - 10-02-2004

Cheers Nick,

In the last two days we have had an offer to come over for the TT week !! Got quite a lot to consider before accepting as its the same time as my youngest sits his exams etc but we are giving it serious consideration. However since we have not been on the island for over 20yrs plus, i know things have changed, the racing will still be impressive but will we be able to walk around the pits with the kids ? see the racing bikes, be able to chat to the racers etc ?? At BSB you are able to meet the racers, autographs etc which makes it such a good trip for the kids. All replies gratefully recieved.

Re: TT Riders Forum: I am a member - Anonymous - 10-02-2004

Hello Nick and thanks for the offer to answer queries from the great unwashed.

Much of the misunderstandings and rumours that germinate amongst TT enthusiasts stem from
the lack of feedback from and transparency of the organising bodies.
Much of the cluelessness could be quickly dampened if the public were informed via press
releases on a regular basis. Instead everyone watches forums, listens to whispers or networks with people in the 'know'.

My one question at this moment, and I am sure it is on the lips of many other people as well, is:

Considering the almost universal condemnation of the idea of shortening the TT to 4 laps,
has this been discussed by the TT Riders Forum?

A. What is the TT Riders Forum's position on this?
B. Has this position been put to the organisers?
C. What was their response?

The question is important because many people have to plan a long way in advance if to
come to the IOM and the 4-lap idea will be a decider in many cases.
Thanks again for coming on the board it is much appreciated.

Re: TT Riders Forum: I am a member - Anonymous - 10-02-2004

Thanks Nick for bringing us back down to earth on such an emotive topic.
You are absolutely correct in that so many people start shooting into Cyber Space on the smallest of rumours. Of course these do need to be sustantiated or otherwise, before being acted upon or attacked.
Does the TT Riders Forum have a constitution or brief to follow to ensure that it fairly represents the other Heros?
Do you know if there is a similar set-up to represent the Fans or general spectating public?
We have observed that the TT Marshals Association is gaining greater public awareness and has been seen to be taking positive steps to improve it's profile and recruit and train more Marshals.
With the apparent dropping of the ACU as an organising body for the TT, do the Riders have any strong views on this?
As you correctly pointed out to us, ignorance is our worst enemy and we all need to be made aware of what is going on lest we shoot ourselves in the foot by slagging off people who may be doing their best for all of us.
Unfortunately, it seems, commercial interests must be given consideration as that is the way of the modern world. However, if there was no TT then a lot of people would lose out.
Thanks again for keeping us informed of your activities.

Re: TT Riders Forum: I am a member - Anonymous - 10-02-2004

Yes, I agree, it is good to know we have a selection of quality TT riders on the Forum.
I say TT riders because we know they have been, or are involved in THE racing.

Only one group on the list has not been considered.....

Perhaps the fans should serve and tell the Isle of Man what is needed to attract..

Not necessarily old codgers like me who have supported the TT for many years, but a proper representation of all age groups.

Why has the Thursday practice not been analysed ?

We have lost a high percentage of riders on a practice Thursday, not least Dave.

Thanks Nick for answering my question, but you have also answered EVERYBODYS question..

We would appreciate at least some news of the projected 2004 TT, not having people suggesting bad things and others taking it as read.

Hope to see you there


Re: TT Riders Forum: I am a member - Anonymous - 10-02-2004

Thanks for your replies, I thought I was going to get a lot more flack than that.........or haven't you all had your say as yet? I suspect not. However work calls just now (Tuesday evening) and I'm not back for a while. Give me a day or two to consider just how to reply to your interesing questions.Don't worry, this is not a ploy as to how to evade the obvious questions, but don't blame me if I feel the need to "clear" certain issues with the Tourist Board.This is an important week for the whole organisation of the TT, and I for one will not do anything to jeapordise their planning and strategy. I just felt the need to explain who we were, and roughly what we do to help put the event on in a way that is fair to all parties, yes that includes the fans.
Back to you later.
By the way someone asked if I was riding this year.I expect not, but I do intend to ride again, sooner rather than later. Possibly will do the Classic Manx.Next year will be thirty years since I rode in the 10 lap TT.

Re: TT Riders Forum: I am a member - Anonymous - 10-02-2004

Thanks Nick, much appreciated.

Re: TT Riders Forum: I am a member - Anonymous - 11-02-2004

Thanks Nick, seems a step in the right direction. One valid point you made which I can relate to, being a race secretary/promoters assistant of one of the most successful motorcycle speedways in Oz is that people just simply don't know what goes on behind the scenes. Unless you are totally involved in a major race meeting, you would rarely have a clue. I have also been involved in a GP and the knowlege and skills required to hold this type of event never ceases to amaze me. Look forward to your further comments.