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Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 23-02-2004

I know that Chris and Carol will not thank me for posting this, however they are two of my closest friends and I feel that people should be aware of the fact that Chris was taken into hospital in the early hours of Sunday morning suffering a heart attack. At present he is in intensive care.

Please do not upset Carol or the family anymore than is necessary, and any calls to Carol should only be undertaken after careful consideration.

Chris, we are all with you mate and we want to see you up and about real soon.

Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 23-02-2004

That comes as a real shock.We sincerely hope Chris is ok.My mum suffered the same in November and she is 84 and made a brilliant recovery.We will be thinking of Chris and Carol.Please pass on our good wishes.

Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 23-02-2004

Best wishes to Chris for a speedy recovery and to Carol and family for what they must be going though.

The Fitz.

Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 24-02-2004

Get well soon, Chris. Love and best wishes to you all
Helen and Louise.

Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 24-02-2004

I hope you make full recovery Chris my thoughts are with you and Carol and the family.

Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 24-02-2004

Speedy recovery Chris, from John Mc Comisky in Scotland.

Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 24-02-2004

get well soon chris. we aint corresponded for a year or two, but i aint forgotten ya [or carol!]
best wishes, ade!

Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 24-02-2004

When i got my computer a good few yrs ago Chris`s was one of the first websites i used to read and followed Carols photo`s from IOM too.Hope your feeling better and it helps to know that your both in our thoughts.

Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 25-02-2004

I would like to add my get well wishes.
This has touched a nerve with me cos I have just
had 3 months off work with a "mystery" illness.
It started looking like a heart problem or
possibly a stroke. Fortunately (I think!) it
turned out to be a depression problem. Funny
thing, the human brain!
So, I feel I have had a fresh lease of life and
hope that Chris is back in circulation soon, too.

Oh, and thank you for mentioning a vey good website! I now have a new screen saver.


Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 26-02-2004

In my opinion this post should never have been made.

The first line says it all and I am not bothered about rocking the boat.

Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 26-02-2004

We were both shocked to hear this news.
A posting on Andreas website last night says
he's on the ward now and allowed visitors
and to email Carol.
We wish him well for a speedy recovery.

Att: Anoy - Anonymous - 26-02-2004

Well I'll say this.....if you live on the Isle of Man, news get around very fast.
I understand where you're coming from here
though. Nuff said.

Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 26-02-2004

There is a posting by Phil Kneen (brother of MGP winner Norman Kneen) on the Andreas Racing website today, which reads as follows :

"Good news on Chris Grose, he is out of ICU and is now on Ward 9 room 17 and is allowed visitors,
bring some toothpaste and he'll tell you a story!
or you can contact Carol on: <A HREF=""></A>"

Re: Chris Grose Hospitalized - Anonymous - 27-02-2004

That is good news...get well soon.

Harvey T.