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Steve Hislop Fund Raiser in Hawick on Saturday - Printable Version

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Steve Hislop Fund Raiser in Hawick on Saturday - Anonymous - 18-03-2004

I have taken the liberty of copying the below posting from Kelly Bailey, which appeared on <A HREF=""></A> recently. This is regarding the Fund Raising night for the Steve Hislop Memorial Fund, to be held in Hawick on Saturday night.


Dance to Johnny and the Rocco's
Grand Auction of "HIZZY" Memorobilia

Tickets are available by contacting 01450 870325

Also the Steve Hislop Commorative Room will be openened earlier in the Afternoon from 1pm in Drunlanrig Towers at the Hawick Tourist Information Center in the main Hawick High Street.

Hopefully see you all there!

Kelly and Aaron and Connor Hislop. x

Re: Steve Hislop Fund Raiser in Hawick on Saturday - Anonymous - 19-03-2004

I think you will find it is sold out. Before setting out, please phone.

Memorial exhibition - Anonymous - 20-03-2004

The exhibition in the Drumlanrig Tower will be open until 31 October. As well as trophies, leathers and helmets and various other things relating to Steven's racing career there are items commemorating the racing careers of his Dad, Sany, and brother Garry.
This is definitely an exhibition not to be missed, and Hawick and the Borders are a great place for a motorcycle holiday, with wonderful roads and connections to many other famous motorcycle and motorsport heroes. Come up and see why Scots do so well at the TT!