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Jail term for TT course invader - Printable Version

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Jail term for TT course invader - Malcolm - 29-05-2018

[Image: policearrest.jpg]

Sixty-seven-year-old delayed Monday's practice session

A Yorkshire pensioner will spend the rest of the TT in prison after rowing with marshals and delaying yesterday’s practice session (Monday).

67 year old James William Ford of Rangepark Road in Bingley appeared before Deputy High Bailliff Jayne Hughes this afternoon.

He admitted obstructing racing and failing to comply with marshals, becoming the first person prosecuted under the Road Races Act 2016.

The court heard the session was delayed by 20 minutes after Ford refused to move from his position in Crosby.

Prosecution advocate Mike Jelski said Ford became aggressive and belligerent towards marshals just before 6pm when they asked him to move from a gateway.

They rang the clerk of the course, who spoke to Ford only to be told “I’m not moving. If you send police you’d better make sure they’re big lads”.

Ford did eventually move, crossing the course before police arrived and arrested him.

Mrs Hughes said a message needed to be sent that marshals don’t deserve to be abused when they’re doing their jobs.

She sentenced Ford to a total of four weeks in custody, meaning he’ll be released after the end of the race festival – after which he’ll be deported and banned from the Island for five years.

[Image: manxradiomain.gif]

RE: Jail term for TT course invader - maybolezx12r - 29-05-2018

Absolutely spot on well done Isle of Man courts. I was unfortunate enough to be one of the marshals who dealt with the guy on the course at ballafreer a couple of years ago which wasn't pleasant.


RE: Jail term for TT course invader - veefour - 29-05-2018

Ha, ha, bet he never expected that . This is a great warning to other dead heads acting the same way.

RE: Jail term for TT course invader - Alfie Noakes - 29-05-2018

hahahahahahaha don't drop the soap me old mate. being serious - he's a total disgrace to the TT in general.

RE: Jail term for TT course invader - RichR - 29-05-2018

No messin' about there then! Brilliant! The marshals have enough do without this aggro.

RE: Jail term for TT course invader - Chrisp955 - 29-05-2018

Makes you wounder what is going on in some peaples heads.

RE: Jail term for TT course invader - Revvin rich - 29-05-2018

What an idiot what was he trying to prove,the TT is better off without these people!!! " Icon_mad

RE: Jail term for TT course invader - AntG - 30-05-2018

I don't understand how anyone who blatantly disregards the rules can call themselves a "fan"

RE: Jail term for TT course invader - hughzx9r - 30-05-2018

why is he being let out after tt festival the prat should do the full 4 weeks

RE: Jail term for TT course invader - c iom tt - 31-05-2018

The DED need to take note. This is what happens when you promote the TT as an Event that people with no interest in bikes put on there have to do list.
We end up with pi** heads causing havoc.