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John’s Blog: A look back at Buriram - Printable Version

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John’s Blog: A look back at Buriram - Malcolm - 08-10-2018

[Image: JohnMcPheeBuriramBlog.jpg]

" Hi everyone,

All in all I really enjoyed the experience to ride this new circuit and it was nice to try the new layout where nobody has been before. The weekend has been hard nonetheless.

During Friday’s session I was feeling very strong and I was in a good position very close to the front but unfortunately at the end of FP2 I crashed, which was not bad at the beginning but then another rider behind me rode into me, so in the evening I had to see if I was able to ride or not.

I was able to continue the weekend but I had a lot pain on my ribs, I could also feel this down my left side and also I broken to my right foot, so it was even difficult to race!

But I did my best for all the complete race as always and I was with the first 15 riders fighting with them. I was happy that I could be strong but very disappointed not to finish the race for me and for the team.

Now we’re looking forward to the next 3 flyaway races and I hope to come back stronger and ready to be in the front again!

As always, thanks for your support,

John "

[Image: johnmcpheelogo.jpg]