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WMD - Anonymous - 24-07-2004

Just heard they've found a warehouse in Snugborough full of wire, wood, springs and cheese.....#

Does this mean the Isle of Man has weapons of mouse destruction ???

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 24-07-2004

Eek...maybe they were after longtails...saw a very cheeky one in Silverdale Glen, which kept popping its head out to watch the kids and me!

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 25-07-2004

I heard that it was the short circuit terrorists who have been planning a pre-emptive strike against rodent racing. But you can't trust the intelligence lately.

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 25-07-2004

I noticed at the TT that the Gorse Lea Marshals Shelter near the 7th milestone had a poster stating that they are sponsored by Rodent Track. Is that a local company?

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 25-07-2004

I have heard that, between races, they play mousey-mousey.

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 25-07-2004

hee hee hee
the mouse ran..........

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 25-07-2004


Re: WMD - Anonymous - 26-07-2004

One a wet blustery day I had to go to a large shopping mall where there was a music store that had a piece of sheet music that I'd been looking for. I had just parked the car and was scurrying to get out of the weather as fast as I could when I saw this poor bedrangled mouse come sliding out of a downpipe fixed against the corner of the main building where it was washed into the gutter. Despite obvious injury, it struggled and managed to swim against the flow and pulled its body up onto the kerb. I continued into the mall to look for the music store ... and, as usual for me, turned left when I was told right and became throroughly lost. Having got fresh directions, imagine my surprise as I headed for the glass lift to take me up onto the second floor, seeing that little wet mouse struggling into the lift in front of me. We got out of the lift and again I headed the wrong way. But as the upper level was in a circle I eventually found the music store, went in and joined the queue at the counter. There was a young man at the counter asking about a tenor trombone. When he was done, the assistant looked at me and asked how he could be of assistance. I hesitated then pointed in front of me where the mouse was patiently waiting his turn. The assistant leaned right over the counter and spoke kindly to the mouse. To which the poor bedraggled creature responded: "Got any mouse organs?"

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 26-07-2004

But how did the mouse reach the lift buttons?

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 26-07-2004

Seems a bit of a tail to me...

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 26-07-2004

Don't be silly! I never even suggested that the mouse was able to reach the lift buttons. The buttons would have to be furry low ferret to be able to reach them.

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 26-07-2004

Jeez Don -- ours isn't the only bunch of nutters surfing these sites!

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 26-07-2004

Or is Foster contributing under a nom du handlebar??

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 26-07-2004

That's a very animalist thing to say! Just cos there's no wallabies..mmm.mutter, mutter, nutter squirrels here.

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 26-07-2004

Enough now shut your mouse.

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 26-07-2004

Now who set up that trap.........

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 27-07-2004

But then he mumbles in his coffee and suddenly roars
It's a rat trap, Judy, and we've been caught...

Rat trap
You've been caught in a rat trap

<A HREF=""></A>

Re: WMD - Anonymous - 27-07-2004

Yes, I'm getting cheesed of with all this frivolity.