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Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 07-08-2004

The beer tent may NOT be Bushys next year?
It may be the other Manx brewery?
or it may be both! The TT entertainment was a be low the year.
Quill had a great time in the Marque a few years back, this year they played in a broom cupboard.
The TT evening is not much to write home about anymore.The same stunt shows with the exeption of the the jet quad.Tourist board get your finger OUT!!

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 08-08-2004

I reckon they should invite one of the Munich breweries over to show them how to do things. In a spirit of ecumenism of course.

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 08-08-2004

Nah...Orkney Breweries, who are sponsoring a jazz venue at the Edinburgh Fringe, guaranteeing me my favourite beer as often as I like/can afford/can stand up, for 3 weeks...mind you I'm off to the Manx before that's that for dedication? Now if they were to have a racing? what bike racing?

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 08-08-2004

I like the idea of a "TT Toberfest" but not during race days.

Re: Bushys beer tent the future? - Anonymous - 08-08-2004

It looks like it may be the famous OKELL'S & George Formby look alike, did you see him this year?
Martin has done a great job for TT leave well alone. The Suzuki village should also be brought back in some shape or form!
The TT seams to be getting smaller each year
thought the racing this year was the best for a few years the nght time has taken a nose dive.
Remember the live street bands all gone.

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 08-08-2004

Hey... speaking of octoberfest beer its avalable in the shops allready... going to get me some tomorrow....

Speaking of german beer i always go to peel on the front to have my weissbier in a weissbierglas.... that caused some looks....

Re: Bushys beer tent the future? - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

Excuse me but isnt the TT about racing m/cycles,if you have to pay these so called bands there is less cash in the kitty to pay the riders?

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

Maybe I am getting old
(maybe? what am I saying!)

I spent some evening time in Douglas this year
after many years "up North, in Sulby"
It was "ok", the highlight being the chance to go to the presentations again.

Much as I enjoy Bushys (the beer AND the tent!)
I prefer the nightlife at the Sulby Glen Hotel!
I like to enjoy the racung duruing the day than chill at the Sulby....

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

I also spent some time at Bushys to see if there was a TT feeling, but felt that most people were there only to wave at the screen and moon.

Louise Brady was there, which made it for me but we all stood outside just watching the world go by.

The mess was appalling and we moved off to other venues fairly quickly.

It seemed to be a small tent this year and to have a band in there and people trying to hear and talk and drink was too much.

Why not have bands on the Yates' side up on a ramp ?

The prom is getting too crowded with poor sideshows.

Anybody agree ??

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

I agree and am sure that it's not just an age thing. Even some of thi kids looked bored.

I did call in at Bushys tent but really only looking for any familiar faces. Many people make arrangements to meet up there but fail to.

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

A TT beerfest would be a great idea as it would unit all our German friends as well as up the standard of the beer available. We had a Munich Octoberfest beer tent at the World Expo in Brisbane in 1988 and it was the star attraction of the Expo. It is much closer to Germany in the Isle of Man and I think it has real possibilities.
Hans the memory of drinking Weissbier in Bavaria with a long Weissbier glass and a slice of lemon in it will live with me forever. Very good in the morning when you are in need of recovery.

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

That's not a few beers...that's a serious hangover!

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

Caught on the hop?

<A HREF=""></A>

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

What about a plate of Schweinhaxen mit apfelsaus bitte ??

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

Anyone who drinks beer with lemon in it ,needs to look at themselves,before the manx if possible.

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

You haven't had schweinshaxe ??

see <A HREF=""></A>

Now this would go well with the suggested beers

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

It wasn't Fair Isle it was Islay, but I do like my bitter hoppy!

Re: Bushys beer tent - Anonymous - 09-08-2004

or a bacon bap with a slice of apple?