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Isle of Man (& TT) featured in Daily Mail - Printable Version

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Isle of Man (& TT) featured in Daily Mail - Anonymous - 19-01-2005

I was today give a copy of an article that appeared in last Saturday's edition of the Daily Mail. This was a 3-page travel feature written by none other than Alan Whicker. I thought it might be of interest to reproduce below the few paragraphs relating to the TT (which, quite bizarrely, is accompanied by a photo of John Surtees aboard the MV in the late 1950s - presumably the most modern TT photo they have!) There was a time when I would have been furious about this typical piece of journalistic tripe which is a mixture of half-truths and downright inaccuracies, but I honestly found this piece so bad as to be hilarious. So here goes :-

"For almost a century, the TT has drawn tens of thousands of fans from around the world. Competitors race round 38 miles of winding mountain roads, through hairpin bends and over humpback bridges. It is notorious for fatal crashes.

The island's splendid new hospital is at its busiest during the race days when the noise, excitement and the ever-present possibility of death keeps hotels and guesthouses busy. In one year five riders and two spectators paid the ultimate price for their enthusiasm.

When the races began along the mountain circuit back in 1911, the winner's avenage lap speed was a terrifying 47mph. Last year it was 127.68mph, but 'only' three riders were killed. When I confessed to the jolly young woman showing us around that my enthusiasm for motorcycles was limited, there was a distinct chill in the air.

Her husband, it seemed, collected those machines and - good grief, her boss, the Minister of Tourism, David Cretney, actually rode in the '98 Manx Grand Prix at an average of 100mph!

So when the TT comes up in conversation - as it surely will - do TRY to look interested."

Re: Isle of Man (& TT) featured in Daily Mail - Anonymous - 20-01-2005

Well, so much for Alan Pricker. Used to respect him...

Words fail me

Re: Isle of Man (& TT) featured in Daily Mail - Anonymous - 20-01-2005

The more familiar we are with a person, place or event, the more we notice how less accurate the press reports are.
It makes you wonder why you even bother to buy a newspaper.
They just thrive on their reader's fears, misery and need for something exciting to happen in their safe and boring existence.
It is sad when some of the icons of the business churn out such ill-informed rubbish.
It is only on this board that we speak without fear or favour!!

Re: Isle of Man (& TT) featured in Daily Mail - Anonymous - 20-01-2005

The "press" (and by that I mean EVERY printed newspaper and magazine media) are totally and utterly driven by the desire to increase sales numbers and thereby increase advertising revenue.
They will print anything they feel they can get away with to boost sales no matter what.
Anyone remember the pictures of Joey published by the Star in Ireland.

Re: Isle of Man (& TT) featured in Daily Mail - Anonymous - 20-01-2005

hi cargo, i thought it was the "sun". but never mind. i presume you mean the picture of joey at the base of the tree? what was the headline? something like "joeys final minutes", or something just as disgusting. i'd like to find out who sent the paper these photos. he [or she] deserves a kicking, big time.

Re: Isle of Man (& TT) featured in Daily Mail - Anonymous - 20-01-2005

..they say time heals - but never with the 'star'
Your spot on Ade, like Cargo, I happen to work with the newspaper industry and remember all my mates in work trying to hide that edition from me.
I kept [don't know why?] an article which appeared some day's later in a different goes

'There was little sympathy out there for The Star following the decision to publish a photograph of Joey Dunlop's body on the front page four days after he was killed in Estonia.
However, a tiny, almost imperceptible fragment of sympathy almost manifested itself when the paper's editor Gerry Colleran went on 'Liveline' (Irish National radio) with Terry Garvey on Friday.
Having told her listeners that he wasn't available because he was eating a sandwich, a detail which didn't really add anything to the discussion, Terry introduced Colleran and began to quiz him on his decision to publish the picture.
She then asked him to hold on - and ambushed him with John Kierans, Editor of the Irish Mirror.'

The article went on to report about the head to head and that the Mirror probably won on points!

funny enough, I never bought that paper since that day

Re: Isle of Man (& TT) featured in Daily Mail - Anonymous - 20-01-2005

i refuse to buy the mail on saturday due to ian wooldrige's "sport column"

Re: Isle of Man (& TT) featured in Daily Mail - Anonymous - 20-01-2005

I don't buy "newspapers", or read them.
My dad used to tell me not to believe anything in the paper except for the date.
I don't even trust that any more.
When things such as the Wicker article are brought to our attention (and we know what the truth is) then it always makes me wonder about how much truth is in every other article in the press.