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marshalling MGP - Printable Version

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marshalling MGP - Anonymous - 21-08-2005


Just a quick line,I have marshalled the MGP @ Cronk y Voddy for many years (20 odd at a guess)and attended the first training course in England,so as you can see I am keen!But this year there has been no correspondence i.e. Am I attending,which races am I attending ,where would I like to marshall!So I tried the internet to see if I could sign on online,again I got nowhere,I will be over on the 26th so as you can see time is running very short,what is going on.

I remain yours in friendship.

Allan James

Re: marshalling MGP - Anonymous - 21-08-2005

I think the website address has changed. Try this link to apply online.

<A HREF=""></A>

Re: marshalling MGP - Anonymous - 21-08-2005

Hi Allan,

Please accept my apologies if you did not receive a form in the post this year. We have an office behind the Grandstand where you will be able to sign-on as a marshal. The Office is open from 9am to 4pm each day.

For new marshals, there is a short laptop training presentation which can be viewed at various times during the day.

Dave Clarke

Re: marshalling MGP - Anonymous - 21-08-2005

If you can run reasonably well you might be able to keep up with Dave as he laps the circuit =)

Sorry Dave, did you expect anything less from me? Hope you got the problem sorted and the slick was easy on the bank balance.

When going to see slick, it is always best to catch him after he has put some weight on, means he has eaten all the pies, is not hungry and therefor charges less.....worked for me anyway =)

And on that note I guess I should leave the island or look for some protection.


Re: marshalling MGP - Anonymous - 22-08-2005

We have Marshall signing forms and packs, here at the SUlby Glen Hotel, anyone wishing to sign on is more than welcome and can call in here anytime.Pass the word please, Marshalls urgently needed.

Re: marshalling MGP - Anonymous - 25-08-2005

"Short laptop training presentation" what other training will the marshalls be getting? very worrying.

Re: marshalling MGP - Anonymous - 25-08-2005

We are holding an Incident Management Course (IMC) tomorrow, and priority is being given to visiting marshals. Completion of the course gives a IMC badge and Certificate from St. John Ambulance. The certificate given is a Nationally recognised St John Ambulance Certificate, 'Emergency Aid for Motorcyclists'.

Additionally we have an Open Day on Sunday between 10am and 2pm at the St John Ambulance HQ in Douglas where First Aid Training, use of flags, TETRA radio training etc. is available. Exisiting and prospective marshals are most wecome to attend.

Most of the training is done over the winter period with IMC courses both here on the Island and in the UK. Details can be found on our website at

<A HREF=""></A>

Re: marshalling MGP - Anonymous - 26-08-2005

One of my patients marshalled at the TT for the first time this year after 20 + years as a spectator. He said the only training he got was a briefing , and a small manual to read. He had a fantastic time but said he was worried about his own lack of training.