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Past Vs Present - Printable Version

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Past Vs Present - Anonymous - 23-10-2005

If the likes of Duke, Hailwood, Agostini etc were around in this era in there prime, do you think they would be even faster than todays riders, like Mc Guiness, Archibald, Anstey or not?

I know it hard to know. Because everything has improved like the bikes, tyres, suspension, brakes, the roads etc, etc.

Re: Past Vs Present - Anonymous - 23-10-2005

Don't go there Joe.

We've all tried this one, and all you finish up with is endless discussion and no agreed outcome.

Which is as it should be!!

Re: Past Vs Present - Anonymous - 23-10-2005

How prokvoking, I think they would be in with a shout with McGunniss and Anstey. Not personally sure Adrian could match them - sorry if that hurt anyones feelings.

Re: Past Vs Present - Anonymous - 24-10-2005

Joe, if anyone could compare the past and the present, Larry could!!

Re: Past Vs Present - Anonymous - 24-10-2005

I think this may be a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
(Am I allowed to say that in this politically correct world of ours?)

Re: Past Vs Present - Anonymous - 24-10-2005

Given a competitive machine any or the riders mentioned would be winners in any era. Past or present.

Re: Past Vs Present - Anonymous - 25-10-2005

I think Pete Barnett is probably correct how can anyone compare the past with the modern day?

Re: Past Vs Present - Anonymous - 25-10-2005

I must agree with Pete and Pykey.
I would also like to know how Geoff Duke would fair today, with his neat tucked-in style of cornering, compared with the more modern hanging-off style.
I suspect that we will never know.
Was William Tell a better marksman than a modern sniper?

Re: Past Vs Present - Anonymous - 25-10-2005

go on then, i'll be devil's advocate. why not?
all things considered such as state and grippiness of the roads, construction and grippiness of racing tyres, suspension, oil and petrol, reliability of all components, safety aspects and of course out and out speed, put them all in one big picture and i think to myself that there's no comparison whatsoever. those old boys win every time. much as i love the modern stuff and don't really like watching the classics that much [sorry], how the hell they ever got round the mountain circuit at that speed beggars belief. come on then, more death threats?

Re: Past Vs Present - Anonymous - 25-10-2005

You are showing your age now Ade? and i tend to agree with you on the modern stuff, i went to the last BSB at Oulton and its like watching paint dry compared with the modern stuff on the roads but thats another discusion?