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Ice speedway dates - Printable Version

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Ice speedway dates - Anonymous - 23-10-2005

Does anyone out there have dates for ice speedway meetings in Holland/Austria?
Group of Manxies are interested in seeing 'acupuncture on wheels' in the flesh.

Re: Ice speedway dates - Anonymous - 23-10-2005

Will attempt to find out for you Bill.

Re: Ice speedway dates - Anonymous - 23-10-2005

Here is some information on Holland only at this stage from an English contact.

These are the dates I have for Ice speedway at Assen Holland :
> Friday 10/03/06 : International Event
> Saturday 11/03/06 : World Ice Speedway Championship
> Sunday 12/03/06 : World Ice Speedway Championship
> I think these are the last 2 rounds of the 2006 World Ice Speedway
> Championship.

Re: Ice speedway dates - Anonymous - 24-10-2005

Ice racing is ok as long as you don't fall off when you are leading.

Re: Ice speedway dates - Anonymous - 24-10-2005

Best not to let go of the handlebars as well! I would love to try it before I die (probably about 5 seconds before!).
Many thanks for the information Jan.
Heavy rain in the Island today. The water in the Laxey river is higher than our road - hope the wall holds out!