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What if - FC - 01-03-2006

- larryd - 01-03-2006

You're dead right Colin -- the Circus boys couldn't do it in the 50s, Kenny Roberts couldn't do it in the 70s, and God A'mighty couldn't do it now.

There will never ever be an effective riders' union - they're all too selfish and self-centred for such a thing to work.

Can't blame them really - it's a highly individualistic sport.


- FC - 01-03-2006

Can someone tell me why the DTI/IOM Government paid out all this money to buy out the rights to the TT and now find themselves in a situation that the ACU Beer Fund wants more money from an event it does not own. What the feck is Mr Cretney paid to do.
Why not make the first pratice lap a protest lap with a few of the riders touring arround the track, even the threat of that action would be bad publicity Lol

- charlie hulse - 01-03-2006


I suggest that you go back to the start of the licence topic and READ what has been said before.

Your question about David Cretney is totally uncalled for and after you have read through the string, all 28 pages, I am sure you will regret the words used.

- FC - 01-03-2006

Charlie ill repeat the question why did they pay the ACU all that money only to be asked for more was there not a contract
To me its like buying an old car doing it up, given a fresh coat of paint and then the previous owner comes knocking on the door and saying hes owed money because the car looks better

- charlie hulse - 01-03-2006

The ACU receive a large amount of money from the Manx Government to run the TT races on the ACU's behalf. The ACU are still the Governing body.

The extra money for the TT/MGP licence has been levied on THE RIDERS by the ACU Road Race and Sprint Committee and has nothing what-so-ever to do with the Manx Government or, now it seems, the Manx Motor Cycle Club, although they were party to the meeting at ACU HQ. Rugby when the licence issue was first muted.

The first thing David Cretney, or anyone else on the TT Co-ordinating committee knew of the licences, was after they had been announced / leaked by the Jim Parker chairman of the ACU.

I hope you now understand my previous posting.

- FC - 02-03-2006

Whats to stop the ACU doing the same with the S100 or NW200 or UGP

- charlie hulse - 02-03-2006

Nothing..........but then again they are not 37.8 miles a lap with a high accident rate.

So no necessity for an ill conceived, cobbled together, dogs breakfast, knee jerk reaction!!!

I think that covered all bases LOL

- FC - 02-03-2006

If your that sure, whats this weeks loto numbers please

- Tom Loughridge - 02-03-2006

- FC - 02-03-2006

Advocates were engaged by the DTI/MMCC to oversee this deal, so is it the fault of the advocates if so the DTL should take action out against them

- charlie hulse - 02-03-2006

As I have said elsewhere, Time is going to negate this argument anyway. The more riders who apply for their licences, in order to get their entries accepted for this years TT and Manx GP; the more the protest is diluted because the ACU will just point out the number of licence that have been issued.

- cargo - 02-03-2006

I know of no one who has yet recieved a TT course licence.
Perhaps Irishago could let us know if and when he gets his.

Also I think it's fair to say that the MGP regs are now overdue
They normally arrive on or just after the last Saturday in Feburary

Paper mountain anyone????

- Anonymous - 02-03-2006

50 years ago - ian huntly - 12-03-2006

Do any of you remember 1956 and the riders strike ?????

- larryd - 12-03-2006

If you're talking the Dutch TT, Ian, that was 1955 and the FIM screwed about 20 riders, including Geoff Duke and Reg Armstrong, by backing the race organisers who were well in the wrong!!

Doesn't help the present circumstance.


TT Licence - irishago - 13-03-2006

Well i havnt got my TT Licence as yet a lot depends on next weekends Jurby meeting if it goes ahead or not. Todays Test day was cancelled due to snow. If that happens next weekend Im screwed as far as TT 06 goes.
I must admit i did recieve a reply to my letter on the above subject from the ACU.
It as much as said as long as my application was in by the 14th of april i would be considered for the same licence not to say i get it thats is. Ill just have to keep my fingers crossed for now.....cheers Irish Ago. :shock:

- Tomcat - 13-03-2006

It's a simple situation. Whether you agree with the course licence or not, at this point in time you need one if you want to ride. If you don't get one you don't ride.

To be honest I think either way the ACU get what they want - more money out of our pockets if we ride or classic bikes out of the Manx if we don't, and probably the end of the Manx.

I don't think applying for a course licence disqualifies anyone from opposing it, and I do think the MMCC if they have our interests, and the interests of the races, as much as heart as they say, need to look at pulling them totally away from ACU mismanagement.