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Tragic News - Stella - 22-04-2006

This was posted on the BSB forum earlier tonight.

Paul Leonard

On Friday, April 21st, a tragic accident at Oulton Park cost the life of Paul Leonard, a founder member of Racesafe and well known at circuits throughout the North West. He was struck by a bike while marshalling at Lodge Corner and died of his injuries.

Paul was an excellent marshal with a lovely sense of humour and, after marshalling with him for some years at Lodge for BSB meetings, I feel I have lost a good friend and colleague. For many others of you, I am sure you have lost someone even closer.

To his wife, Rosie, and his two children, about whom he so often talked, I would like to send the deepest and heartfelt sympathies from Racesafe at this terrible time. Marshals (and people) like Paul are irreplaceable.

Very sad news.

Sincere thoughts of such a great loss for his family and friends.


- Hilary M - 22-04-2006

Oh dear,how sad.I can't add any more than Stella has said.Our thoughts will be with his family at this awful time. :cry:

- Stella - 23-04-2006

Yes sadly it kind of puts all the backbiting and sniping that is going on the "roads" forums at the moment into prospective i think ?

Without wishing to upset anyone, reading the roads forums i`m struggling to find too many positives at the moment.

Sorry maybe i just havin a couple of bad days.


- Anonymous - 23-04-2006

My sympathies to Paul's family. RIP Paul.

- gary the nurse - 23-04-2006

my deepest sympathies to all of pauls' family

pauls death - tappo - 25-04-2006

sorry to hear of this tragic accident ,did not know him but know loads like him with out people like him we could not ride !!

- Tomcat - 26-04-2006

As riders we naturally post about things close to our hearts but it's too easy to forget that without the guys in orange we wouldn't be out there at all. I have great admiration for their dedication and fortitude, out there in all weathers and ever ready to pick up the pieces. It is especially sad when their "relatively safe" position goes wrong and a tragedy such as this happens.

RIP Paul, I am grateful to you and your colleagues and my thoughts are with your family.

- charlie hulse - 26-04-2006

Can I suggest that admin passes these messages of condolence on to Mike Blakey, Chief Marshal of Racesafe of which Paul Leonard was one of the founders.

I have already sent a message from everyone connected with RaceGuard,
Mike will pass the messages on to the Paul's family.

Mike Blakey.....

- Stella - 26-04-2006

This was posted today on the BSB chat forum by Race Director Stuart Higgs

" Through the forum I would like to thank everyone for the messages, these are all in the process of being forwarded to the family and I hope of some comfort at this difficult time.

I can also advise that a bank account has been established and a fund established in Paul's memory to assist his family in the future, the details are:

Account Name: The Paul Leonard Memorial Fund

Bank: National Westminster Bank plc
15 The Cross, Neston, CH64 9UE

Sort Code: 60-14-39
Account No: 59018445

SH "


- Anonymous - 27-04-2006

Its always a tragedy when anyone, marshal, rider, spectator or whoever is killed.
Sincere condolences to Paul's family and friends.
