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Unreasonable Behaviour tonight at the QB - Printable Version

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Unreasonable Behaviour tonight at the QB - DCLUCIE - 02-06-2006

Hi All,

Just to let you all know that we will be playing at the QB tonight so come on down and listen to some class music. We play the likes of Black Sabeth, The Cult, Kinks, Green Day, The Who and many others. So if you like that sort of music please come down and support us, the more the merrier and with a bit of luck merry we will be. Its all a bit of fun and even Cargo is going to be there to throw abuse at us.

I hope everyone has a safe and great TT and maybe even remember some of it.

So take care and most of all have fun.

- David Griffiths - 02-06-2006

Oh God, that's where I was planning to go tonight! Lol

- cargo - 02-06-2006

See you there then :wink: