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Biodiesel for sale on Island - Printable Version

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Biodiesel for sale on Island - Bill Snelling - 06-10-2006

The Fairy Cottage Filling Station at Laxey has opened for Biodiesel fuel. At 95p per litre it's about 5p per litre cheaper than regular diesel prices; currently working my way through the first tankful with no ill-effects.
The fuel is currently being brought into the Island, it is hoped to start local production at a later date.

- charlie hulse - 06-10-2006

I wonder how many corners it will end up on. Evil

Bio' it may be but it's just as slippery as the old stuff :!:

- ade! - 06-10-2006

bill, believe you me, it's a big con. bio diesel is so easy to make - trust me, i've made it myself. it gives off almost nil emissions and our wonderful government taxes it more than normal diesel [at least over here]. you can make it from old chip fat, rape seed oil, you name it. the only drawback to it is the smell of chips in the air everywhere you drive. but there again, some of us like chips Big Grin

- Don Simons - 07-10-2006

According to John Foster there are 30 Wallabies to the square mile in the north of the Island, so you could shoot them and render them down into Biodiesel.
So hop on the bandwagon and make a fortune.

Better still if there are any escaped Emus out there in the Curraghs.
[Image: oil-emu-lg.jpg]

"So stir the wallaby stew
Make soup of the kangaroo tail
I tell you things is pretty tough
Since Dad got put in jail"

- cargo - 07-10-2006

Shoot them Don :?: :shock:

Somebody needs to find them first :wink:

:idea: Still there's plenty of poo you could get methene from that and run a car :idea:

- John Foster - 07-10-2006

A regular Gorse Lea Marshal, who lives off-Island, has been running his main vehicle on used cooking oil for ages. It costs him nothing apart from a trip to see his friendly landlord at the local pub, but the smell of chips cooking attracts a lot of attention when he stops at traffic lights.
[Image: daily_gal_dunbar.jpg]

- ade! - 08-10-2006

click the cartoon for more info Big Grin