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A Paton in the 2007 Senior TT !! - Printable Version

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A Paton in the 2007 Senior TT !! - ttwebsite - 21-01-2007

Information coming in this morning indicates that Steve Linsdell may well be entering the 2001 GP Paton in this years Senior.

Now that will be interesting !!!!

[Image: paton.jpg]

For more information on the Paton bikes and the factory, click on HERE

- thewitch - 21-01-2007

Always sounds brilliant through the Bray section and up over Ago's Leap.... any news on Edgar Jessop's possible entry...?

- PeterCourtney - 21-01-2007

Errrm, excuse me, but......that looks almost like a proper racing bike!?! How on earth can that be permitted - or is it just in the Centenary Parade?

- sticky - 22-01-2007

Peter, I think it may still be possible to enter anything in the Senior. A French guy rode a rotary Norton a couple of years ago. I for one hope it happens.

- cargo - 22-01-2007

- PeterCourtney - 22-01-2007

I see that the rules say
" Senior TT
Any machine complying with the following specifications:
TT Superbike
Supersport Junior TT (without limitation of tyre choice)
TT Superstock (without limitation of tyre choice)
Other machines admitted at the discretion of the Organisers " (my bold italics.
Can't help wondering what 'they' would really accept...........

- MV - 22-01-2007

Ok, so why not an ex Rossi MotoGp Yamaha or a Honda 5?
I asked this question at the 2005 chat show adnd I THOUGHT that John McG said it couldnt be done?

Well, if anyone does introduce something interesting, good luck to them!


- PeterCourtney - 23-01-2007

MV Wrote:Ok, so why not an ex Rossi MotoGp Yamaha or a Honda 5?
That really would get the crowds flocking over! Sadly though, from what I read here, the place is already booked solid, and you have to remortgage the home to afford a few days b&b, then a pie and a pint at the Creg.
I cannot understand why Yamaha, who arguably have made the biggest impact on motorcycle racing, with racing motorcycles, since the 70s, do not sieze the chance to enter a 2005 season ex-Rossi MotoGP mount, with a skilled TT man on board. That would put the production racers back in their box!

- sticky - 23-01-2007

This would indeed be a good thing to see Peter. Unfortunately, I guess it doesn't fit in with the marketing strategies as these days it's the men in suits who dictate what we watch racing at the TT.

While there's still time how about it Hondawakizukaha? (see what I did there? :wink: )

The power could be softened off considerably to make them easier to ride on the roads but I guess I'm just dreaming...

- ade! - 23-01-2007

peter, i think you'll be lucky to get pie and a pint IN the creg at all, with this rich man's race day thingy they've got organised. you might get them when you're standing outside in the rain with the rest of the 'normal' people. personally after what i read about their kitchens a couple of years ago, i'll take me own cheese sammo's thank you Big Grin

- charlie hulse - 26-01-2007

And here is the bike Edgar Jessop rode last time at the TT....

[Image: snut.jpg]

The legendary N.U.T.

- sticky - 26-01-2007

Well, you learn something new every day Charlie. I always thought that Edgar only ever rode the Spagforth Lightning throughout his long and illustrious career... Smile

- thewitch - 26-01-2007

I heard a rumour,...only a rumour, mind, that the Spagforth factory were considering a works team this any news for us on this? Oh, crikey, maybe that was one of the big news stories for Feb2 and I've blown it...sorry, guys...

- sticky - 30-01-2007

Is there any further news on this subject? (The Paton that is, not Edgar Jessop!)

- thewitch - 30-01-2007

Maybe something to be announced on the 2nd in the Press Launch?