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How Come - Chris Thackeray - 12-02-2007

What I like to know is? from the 29th May to 9th June a Bike and 1 rider cost 157 pounds and the most 168 max as of today Steam Packet online.
They are perfect TT dates so I know how much it will cost me.
Only problem is its from the Isle of Man to Heysham.
Why cant steam packet tell how much its going to cost the other way round.
To me it is taking the p*$$ and last year`s it cost me 184 pounds bike and 1 rider still maybe they will knock the price down this year.

- thewitch - 12-02-2007

Aye, that will be right!
I don't know how they get away with their way of working . Any other business sets a price which you can understand and decide to pay or not to bother. They make it impossible for people to budget or plan, and so many people book everything, then find the outrageous cost of the ticket and cancel. You pay a retainer to book the information, basically, and if you then decide the final price is too much, you lose it. Scandalous.
It's long past time the Isle of Man Government opened the routes up to competitive tender.Perhaps a rival company could use Ramsey as a destination. It's all the same to TT fans and tourists.

- sticky - 12-02-2007

The old passenger steamers used to go into Ramsey but the place would need major surgery before something like a Seacat could go in there. Since I stay in Ramsey that would suit me very well!

You're right that it's scandalous that we have to pay for something we can't plan for and that the pricing isn't put in the public domain. I'd say the say same for hotel accomodation, most of whom have a 'TT Tarriff', which isn't published in any tourist guide.

Regardless of what efforts are being made to 'improve' the racing, the cost of travel and accomodation is fast making the whole thing unaffordable - particularly for those of us that support the event for the whole fortnight. My brother suggested that the Tourist Board might consider some sort of price break for those doing the whole fortnight to encourage people to come for longer but what do you think the chances of that are?

People are being forced to come for just a few days because of the cost, which forces hoteliers, publicans, shops etc to try and make in three days what they used to make in a fortnight. You have a vicious circle. it also impacts heavily on the number of marshalls available for practice week.

The current demographic where people come at the end of practice week and begger off at the start of race week will not sustain the TT and it's time someone realised that!

Sorry to rant - but I needed to get that out of my system!

- thewitch - 12-02-2007

There's another practice that is causing problems and that is where people offering accomodation (more often in the Homestay realm) insist that you book the full two weeks, which rules out many people.

- Anonymous - 12-02-2007

- Anonymous - 12-02-2007

Sorry Helen that is for a one person tent and you email box is full.

- Baylon McCaughey - 12-02-2007

i sent deposit, but as yet, havent got any word back from steam pkt?, has anyone else got / or not got confirmation yet?

- Michael - 12-02-2007

I've booked in 2005 for 2007 and paied the deposit! Until yet no reaction from the Steam Racket. They said invoices will go out in the middle of february.
To the cost: I come from Germany and have to go over the channel.
I pay for the ferry Zeebrugge-Hull and retour 1 Man 1 bike a cabin breakfast and dinner - 230,00 Euro. The sailing is 14 hours.
Heysham - Douglas and retour 1 Man 1 bike nothing to eat no cabin - 260,00 Euro!!!
Any more questions!


- MV - 14-02-2007


you say "any more questions?!"

Yes, why do we put up with it?

I guess we have no choice, but I do wish the Steam Racket could get their day of reckoning!!!

I was over for the TT Press launch and changed my ferry vehicle details.
I asked about invoices and was told they should have gone out mid February but that there will be a furher delay!

Now that they are a Seacat short, they will no doubt be delayed even
Oh, and would I be being cynical if I suggested that we may have to pay to buy/rent a new vessel?



- thewitch - 14-02-2007

- thewitch - 14-02-2007

Oh..and...don't call us, we'll call you...we don't have time to waste talking to stroppy customers...ohoh...the system has gone down...can't tell you anything... call back in a month. What do you mean you wanted them now? what do you think this is? A service?

- Tel - 14-02-2007

- sticky - 14-02-2007

- Anonymous - 14-02-2007

- Chris Thackeray - 14-02-2007

- MV - 14-02-2007

I certainly havent paid that LITTLE for a car for years!
Steam Packet, are you sure about these prices??

I for one intend to query my price this year.

People have asked me why I was paying so much in years gone by.

About 3 years ago a Steam packet customer services manager actually said... "thats an awful lot of money. You could have a holiday in MY country (he was Spanish) for much less than that!

Apart form this, the "lets see how much we charge you, eventually, is a disgrace and you cannot justify it.

Get your act together Steam Racket!


- Paddy_NL - 16-02-2007

- Michael - 16-02-2007

The problem is - I've booked the channel crossing and I don't know wheter I get the ferry from Heysham as I booked. As I said I booked in 2005 for 2007!
I even paied 1.350,00 Euros for channel-crossing for me and my mates and don't know exactly the ferry times from Heysham!!
I don't want to stay a day or more in Heysham!!
But there is no alternative for the Steam Racket!

- charlie hulse - 16-02-2007

If anyone is quoted prices above the ones in the IoMSP statement they should ask to speak to the Director who's name is on it.

Print off a copy of the full clearly states " the most"