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Steam Packet remedies - Printable Version

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Steam Packet remedies - thewitch - 24-05-2007

I am appalled at the situations some of you have been put in by the IOMSPC. I have never come across such dreadful, uncaring treatment of paying customers.
I have heard a few rumours about orders from above dictating to the Island based board that as little money as possible be spent providing the extra boat/s needed, and it seems to me that some at least some of that is accurate, as I have heard it from so many sources.
Please record in this thread your own experience..NOT your opinion of the directors, politicians etc... there are already threads for that.
The original booking arrangement, and what it is changed to, and how this affects you. I am sure there are some of you who will be in difficulty finding accomodation, or who have paid for nights they will not now use.. the outrageous decision that one fan should go home in the middle of the night, before the races finish, etc.
PLEASE put just the facts.
I will undertake to take them all to the IOMSPC by Tuesday next week, if no resolution has come about, and try at at least get the return journeys sorted. As some more influential, or at least well known, people have now been messed about, I might be able to get one or two of them to join us.. no promises, but you know me... brass neck..
In the meantime keep phoning, emailing etc to try to get your sailings to suit, and, if all else fails, just get here, and we'll worry about how you get home, later!
The complaints form idea sounds really good to me, much better than a petition... petitions can be just a list of names with no integrity, while personal accounts, signed and verifiable, are much better.
If someone can do the forms, people distribute them, and I can use them along with whatever people post here, maybe we can get somewhere.
I am up to my eyes already, but I am willing to do what I said above... no guarantee they will listen to me, but I'm game to try if you want me to.
What do you think... it's your decision, folks.

- MV - 24-05-2007

Good on you Helen!

Beat 'em with your broom......

I will set the ball rolling with my relatively minor change.
I was one who booked at TT 2005.
My original booking was for 11:30am on 26th from Livepool.
They changed it to 21:00 the same day and port.
Compared to some of the worse changes (detailed elsewher) including Ians case, I have got off far!
I am quite concerned that there may be more to come as the boat shortage situation could worsen if a boat fails.


- thewitch - 24-05-2007

Just so we keep our sense of humour...

- Michael - 24-05-2007

Original booking August 2005
8th June 08:15 Douglas - Heysham
Changed 8th June 14:15 Douglas Liverpool Arrival Liverpool 16:45
Problem is: I've also booked ferry Hull - Zeebrugge 8th June and we must be in Hull 17:00 - impossible.
Another problem: We have a car and one of us decided late to go to the TT. He is passenger in the car and footpassenger on the ferry. His return sailing in not changed, so he goes 8th June Douglas - Heysham - the car is in Liverpool!!

- jasjas - 24-05-2007

I've drawn up a suggested complaint form and am happy to trudge around Douglas and try to persuade some of the photocopy shops to roll off copies at a discount. Can I get a copy of the form to you thewitch before I embark upon this? Have you any thoughts on where the forms could be put for people to collect one and fill it in? The Grandstand seems a good place to start, but we will need some cooperation so completed forms can be handed back in and kept until collected for onward transmission. Personally, I think they should ultimately be delivered to the Government with a call for an inquiry into the Steam Packet's trading practices. But it is important the form makes it clear where it will end up and that it is not a compensation claim form. None of this will resolve the difficulties of those about to travel, I appreciate.

It's tempting of course to ask the Steam Packet to distribute the forms................

I read their terms and conditions about the right to change sailings etc, but I am not sure if such a contract term has any legal standing as I think ferries fall into a different category to, for example, areoplanes. I would have to try and look that one up.

As regards a simple petition eg."We, the undersigned, call upon the Government of the Isle of Man to set up a public inquiry into the trading practices of the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company, with particular reference to their operation during TT 2007", this would give a lot of people who are not directly affected the chance to add their support. Could marshalls help here? Could they hand out the petition just after roads close and ask people simply to pass it round and hand it back at the end of the session? There would of course be the problem of people signing more than once, but the majority would hopefully apply commonsense.

- Leoness - 24-05-2007

Good on ya Helen!

We booked in June last year:

Sunday 3rd June Heysham to Douglas returning Tuesday 12th June Douglas to Liverpool

Outbound 13.45 arriving 17.15 (2 1/2 hours)
Return 14.00 arriving 16.30 (2 1/2 hours

These were changed slightly on 6th March:

Outbound 14.45 arriving 18.15 (2 1/1 hours)
Return 14.00 arriving 16.00 (2 hours)

Changed again yesterday:

Outbound 16.45 arriving 21.15 (4 1/2 hours!!) - charter ferry??
Return 15.00 arriving 17.00 - Emeraude

So far we've been fairly lucky I guess. still travelling on the same days although any plans for actually being able to ride the circuit on mad sunday have probably gone.

I'm not holding my breath though, I bet they'll change again!

I feel for the people coming from abroad with connecting flights/ferries.. it's an absolute disgrace. Evil

- thewitch - 24-05-2007

I have been busy elsewhere today, and been hearing the perspective of people who run hotels or have some reason for travel unrelated to the TT. Believe me, they are just as angry.
Firstly, I would ask you to please respect the staff on the boats. It is not their fault and some of them have been getting dog's abuse. That's not on... they have to work for the company... can't imagine they get good treatment either.
I will only be on here irregularly after tomorrow morning as I move to my holiday home in Douglas (!!!) tomorrow. I don't have internet access there, so may not pick up messages every day.
If you think you will need to contact me during TT fortnight, about your ferry experience, or to buy me a drink(!!) please PM me for my mobile number!

- FC - 24-05-2007

- cargo - 24-05-2007

More fool you for believing them in the first place :shock:

HECTOR NOT HAPPY - ian huntly - 24-05-2007

- MV - 24-05-2007

Hi Helen,
I hope you have a good TT.
There is no doubt that there will be more agro for some still to come.
We have just been talking to old friends who are Manx.
They say that a lot of locals are up in arms against the RACKET.
After all, they suffer from the ferry company all year round.
I take your point about not abusing the staff on the boat, but its the potential friction FROM the "jobsworths" at Liverpool that worry me.
I have had a good deal of this over the years.
BUT.........I promise to bite my tongue as best I can!

Lets get through this together.....


- MV - 24-05-2007

I am just trying to imagine TAS and Mr Neal using force....
If you have invested the vast amounts of money that Hector has in the TT then I am sure you would feel the same.
But I wonder who missed out?
Its all very sad.


- Chris Thackeray - 25-05-2007

Rang steam myself........didnt want to etc....still have same booking`s..
Anyway have a 300 mile ride 2 up and they say it be raining Sad