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Mr Foster's new erection - Printable Version

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Mr Foster's new erection - DCLUCIE - 26-05-2007

I was just making my way round the course the other day and noticed that there was a new erection in the Gorselee area.

It appears that the new erection is for Mr Foster and his mates to taste the delights of the cake master in peace during TT week. The new design includes coat hangers and all the little touches that make this mansion a home from home.

I only hope planning permission has been applied for Lol Lol Lol :wink:
But I do believe that the erection will dissapear after TT.

But have fun Mr Foster and say hi to all the guys that do fantastic work in that area. I only hope they put in heated toilet seats for you guys..... Lol Lol

- Don Simons - 27-05-2007

Looks like someone gave him some tablets then.
[Image: viagra.jpg]

- Jan Grainger - 27-05-2007

Trust you, Don! lol
Anyway, have a great time John. You do a magnificent job! You are such special people.

- Myles Lally - 27-05-2007


Was it HARD to put UP then John ?

See you soon .

Are you coming over Don ?

Myles :shock: :shock: :shock:

- John Foster - 27-05-2007

A tired message from our sponsor:

[Image: tough-guy-shirt.jpg]